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  1. no, i swear my c1 has a party trick of going into third instead of first. Makes for very embarresing starts. hahaha Pulls away nice and smoothly though i thought.
  2. Ah, it's nice to know its possible...without breaking the whole dash as i feared i would somehow achieve. Was one of those problems you don't see in advance though, and very odd to find out when driving in the dark. Shall have to give the drilling a go! My other idea was to maybe just try n polish off the paint on the little dip where the arrow thing is. Anyway, shall have a look soon. Plus when i'm there i'll look for this screw that's meant to remove the dash so i can fit my new speakers! Unfortunate to hear they dont all come with a re-circ option though, i guess its just one of those things you take for granted... like 5 doors, light in boot, passenger light, glove box, temp gauge etc... But we still love the C1!!! :unsure:
  3. Yoshi

    Petrol Gauge

    :unsure: oh no... i'm gonna have to see how far i can make that last one bar go. I only get 330-340 miles and then it starts its beepy flashy dance. Much preferred analogue gauges to this new digital thingy. Should say though that the car hasn't even been on the motorway yet, just does short, stop-start journeys in towns etc.
  4. Hello hello! Well, start with the car it's self, it's a Red C1 Rhythm... just had it's first service, n all is good! Have been rather impressed with the way the car drives; really quiet when pootling along, but a great sound from that big back box when you push it a little. :unsure: Has developed sum random squeak at the rear though... shall have to investigate that one. Only real disapointing thing has been the sound from the speakers, which is officially pants. Just grabbed some new 10cm's to replace what i believe is there at the front, and then shall think about throwing some larger ones somewhere else (maybe parcel shelf). Was recently impressed by this random fact: As the c1, 107 and aygo all have the same toyota engine, we should be able to squeeze 90mpg from these things! (the 1l petrol anyway). Was in the times if you wondered.
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