I've had my C1 rhythm for 8 months now and I'm generally happy with what I got for the money. However, since I got it I haven't been happy with the gearbox. The gear change from 1st to 2nd and 3rd to 2nd can be smooth (usually on hot days, although even then not every time) or goes in with a horrible clatter and/or a knock. I gave it a few months to see if it improved before taking it to the Citroen dealer for them to investigate. They said there was no problem and even had the cheek to say 'it's only a C1'. None of the reviews I've read have mentioned the gearbox other than to say it's very smooth. Is anyone else having this problem? PS. To change into reverse without crunching the gear come to a complete stop and put it in 1st before selecting reverse. This was in the handbook of my last car (Honda Civic).