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Colin Winn

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Everything posted by Colin Winn

  1. Hi John, I appreciate all guidance. And I do very often seem to navigate to the 'wrong' cyberplace . . . but out of interest, where did I go wrong this time . . . . ? After all, I'm at 'Citroen Cars Forum-Other Citroen Models-Citroem BX-Technical section' I'm not sure how that puts me in the wrong spot - or are you just telling me I'll prolly get more results if I go on THAT forum instead? Anyway, I thank you - if you have any ideas about my technical query, I'd be grateful to hear them! I'll still visit to view and occasionally post, if that's OK. Cheers, C.
  2. Hallo, I'm a newbie (out of need, I'm afraid!Great site, 'though). My BX 16TRS recently cracked a cylinder liner, at around 135k miles. We all thought it'd be the head gasket. That would've been preferable. So, head already off, I need to take the remaining engine out and then, as far as I can understand the Haynes manual for this car (not easy . . but then it's not an easy car), replace the pistons and liners that I should be able to get as sets B) However, I am in France and things can get hairy when asking for advice at the professional's shop (Citroen garage!). So, if I can get to the stage where I can agree to buy a set of new pistons and liners, what else after that will I find I have needed, but have not been told about by our helpful Citroen garage?! (Special tools, new piston rings? Piston ring compressing tool? New gidgeon pins/ What? what?!!) Has anyone done this job and could they please advise me what else I shall need . . . whilst I have changed a cyl head B4, I have never replaced pistons and liners, particularly not on this type of vehicle. Any help gratefull yreceived. Thanks y'all. Colin
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