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  1. it has been in and out of citroen for the past 3 weeks and is making me tear my hair out :) if i can not get this problem solved i am prepared to change to a car without hydraulic. after 5 years of reliable ownership its on 142k miles the car still has life in the v6 and chassis, but i having lost PS, brakes and suspension 3 times on the motorway its too much of a risk with family. the problem occuring is the high pressure line from pump to pressure regulator, 3 times it has leaked at the pressure valve end and once broke the bolt that holds it to the pump any advice at all will be taken aboard at this stage... thanks
  2. just a little annoying, after using one of those emergency booster battery jump starters the rev counter died as did the cruise control. apparently the rev counter would need whole replacement of the dials for £200 so i'm not bothering with that since its an auto with a rev limiter. the more annoying this is the cruise control stopped working, i'm not sure if it fried the cruise computer or if there is a relay that fried , i'm not sure where i should be looking for the possible components that have died. and if it is cruise computer i will be looking in scrappies for . what i am after here is where the components i should be checking for frying are... many thank yous
  3. yes i found the tools on the net, i think it is the xfz its the 194bhp 24v one. i must have miss counted the rollers i'll check again and look up part numbers would be a good idea for me to get the part number catalogue from ebay i think :blink: yes i've done this job before on other cars so it will be fine once i am orientated :lol:
  4. just want to make sure i haven't missed anything out of my list what i see on the diagrams as accessory to the cambelt are 4 cambelt rollers, the water pump 1 tensioner (though it mentions upper and lower tensioner) is it worth doing the aux? i'm at 136,000 miles which is early but 150,000 comes up fast and i plan on making the most of a sunny weekend if one decides to come up :blink:
  5. now my cars running better i'm looking around at stuff that might be out of place, one thing is it has now under tray under the engine bay i'm sure there should be one on these right?
  6. thank you it immediately sucked the reservoir dry after installing the ball bearing so i can take it that it is being compressed, tomorrow i will get some LHM to try my only other concern is now that i have installed the 3 medium size pipes in the wrong places doh , is there anyway to check and make sure like some should be outlet and other inlet pumping while the motor is running? thanks for your help again and future help :P brummiev6xantia
  7. ahhhh!!! yes thats what happened! i think i have seen that bearing thank you, i'm going to try that right now :P
  8. evening folks, i am seeking advice from the activa guru's on my none raising xantia, this is what i have done depressurised the system, replaced a leaky hose, i had to remove the hoses from the reservoir to get to it (a concern of mine is that i put the hoses back in the wrong order doh, but i'm not sure) put it all back together then my most obvious mistake i forgot to retighten the pressure release valve and fluid spewed out between 1.5 and 2 litres at a guess, so there is air in the system now i assume, so i follow the proceedure in haynes as well as i can understand it , that is running the car to what i assume is get the air into the area of the pressure release screw and switch off engine, open the release valve, fluid comes out, but not under significant pressure, no hissing sound. this is at whatever height i select max or min or inbetween, i also notice in the reservoire while the engine is running if i take of the top most of the time the fluid is quite disturbed then sometimes it is calm, there is no froth. in the car the brake pedal feels spongy, but i can't get the car raised to confirm what that is, the power steering however feels normal, there are no obvious leaks in the system, that is nothing under the car, so far i have used 1/4 tank of fuel trying that method so i think i am doing something wrong, i hope this post makes some sense as i am close to tearing my hair out :P i will take on board advice of what people think they would do next in my situation , thank you everybody brummiev6xantia
  9. i did try and login page wouldn't come up since then i've decided on a few jobs that need doing on the car plus i want to do the cambelt now in fear it may unexpectedly snap for cambelt these are the part numbers of tensioners i found on eurocarparts do they look right any other parts like waterpump that need doing at same time? S/S TO 325 n/a 325735070 S/S TO 325735075 S/S TO 325735075 Timing Belt 146 Teeth £29.00 or CONTITECH n/a 325735075 TIMING BELT 3.0 V6 ES9J4 . Timing Belt 146 Teeth £49.30 n/a 326545180 BELT TENSIONER ES9J4 LOWER S/S 326745260 Lower Tensioner £44.69 S/S TO 326 n/a 326545190 S/S TO 326745420 S/S TO 326745420 Upper Tensioner £28.56 many thanks for your helps
  10. thank you!
  11. i want to do the cambelt in next 15000miles where can i get the specialist tools and proceedure for 3.0 v6 thanks in advance
  12. thanks for posting this fix I'm going to have a go at it
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