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  1. just get the adaptor plug it in no need to reprogram the car. just plug the adaptor in bobs your uncle
  2. do they not do the c3 VTR any more
  3. those are overspeed warning and child lock
  4. yeah im wondering this as well.. the only buttons on the end of my stalk are audio controlers...
  5. Right i have finnaly decided to take the plunge get some deep sounding music on in me car..can you please advise on these products, Accustic Shelf (for security), Front Speakers: Pioneer: TS-1785 - 17cm custom fit speakers, Back Speakers: TS-A6901 - 6"x9" speakers AMP: Sony: XM-SD14X - 4 channel/bridgeable Amp http://www.dvbcaraudio.co.uk/product/Citro...helf_Black.html http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...cts_id/223.html http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...ts_id/3209.html http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...ts_id/4019.html i would like to know your opions on these products. also any advice on how to fit. especially the amp and the 6x9s on the parcel shelf. I would also like to know how easy it is to remove the front speaker grils...
  6. did you get a headunit working with everything still working ie the central locking....
  7. thank you for your help..i am going to ring up today.. however what does this adaptor look like. and how does it plug in. well further to that i have rang them up and they dont seem to know what the adaptor is.... STOP PRESSES. i have found this on ebay is this it. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Official-Citroen-C2-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. I have just recently installed a alpine headunit in a c3 LX 2003. i have a few problems with the unit and the central locking. Ill explain.. With the stock tape deck the button on the central locking worked...right... so i installed my new headunit..all was fine switch car on tuned the presets in..put all settings in. everything was fine...made a cup of tea..came back to check (well play) with it..lost all settings key for central locking wont work..open drivers side door press button on the key fob the button works... can someone please explain why this is happning.. how i can fix it...what adaptors i need. and from.. Thank You
  9. right im new to this game what do i ask for..please describe what the part the part i am needed..why does it do this in the first place...were does the part fit
  10. hi...i have a similar problem...when the car is switched on it remembers presets. switch it off make a cuppa, come back to check its reset. is this a failsafe to stop the battery from running out. did you get this fixed..if so how
  11. did you get this fixed..cos im having the same problem...were do i find the adaptor.
  12. how much did they KCE-862B cost you mate and from were
  13. i have just bought a C3. and i am a bit confused. becouse i want to replace the tape deck with something a bit more up to did. i have bought http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...ts_id/4512.html. i have been informated by my dealer i have a stalk controls for it. but they dont actually do anything at the moment. do i need this http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/product_in...8181504b2c42179 as well help!!
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