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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. Bit late to this one but may help someone else. Horns are below driver's side headlight. Access from underneath by popping the wheel arch cover off with wheels on full right lock.
  2. I did the trick with the silver trim (3 clips, one at the glove-box side and two at the steering wheel side) and the panel with the gear lever gaiter and climate control panel lifts from the ash tray end. Disconnect the black, white and red plugs and you can unclip the gaiter and lift the panel over the gear lever. You can then see both bulb holders and twist them out. No tools required on my 2004 2.2 HDi SX. Now - if you're used to Citroens of years ago, beware! The bulb holders don't seem to take separate grain-of-rice bulbs any more. The wires of the bulbs are heat-stamped onto the contacts of the black holders so you can't just change the bulbs, the bulb is a unit with the holder. Removing the bulb will break the wire and render the bulb useless (as I found out). Either you have to buy bulb and holder or do what I did and raid the spares box so I could replace the holders with those from a long-dead CX.
  3. Can anyone tell me what oil I should be putting in our new C3 VTi 95bhp? I've read and reread the manual but can't find any help. TIA
  4. Hi all 2002 C3 HDi 90 16 valve. A couple of years ago I got swamped driving through floodwater by a nutter in a 4x4 coming towards me. Since then the steering has got progressively noisier and grittier until I got an advisory for it last MoT. I think it's the power steering electric motor bearing. Has anyone changed the motor or used any third-party repair service they could recommend ? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks grimmers
  6. I find air horns useful for waking up HGV drivers who are in a trance or on their mobiles, but my dealer won't fit them to the C3, says the electronics are too complex. Surely if you replace the existing horn with a relay and wire the compressor in separately ... ? Has anyone replaced the weedy little horn on their C3? And if so, how?
  7. Asked and answered ... It will also display "eco-mode" if the radio has been on with the ign key off. After 30 mins or so it will shut down the radio and flash the dashboard battery light. Just a battery-saving feature.
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