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Everything posted by Newbee

  1. Thanks for all replies. I found the part on a site (aep) car parts and the picture shows threaded bolts sticking out of each end and a nut attached to both, if the product comes like this will I need others fixings? http://www.aepdirect.com/index.php?option=...product_id=3223
  2. Thanks every one for the replies, where could I get the fittings if mine fall apart, I've never dealt with ebay. Thanks in advance
  3. Thanks for the advice, I remember the mechanic reaching behind the wheel and moving the bar on the other side which made a knocking noise, I tried this but I was tring to move the bar from side to side but I think I should have been tring to move it up and down, is that the case? to find the knocking noise. I found a site where I can buy the part if needed so not making the dealers richer! Cheers again
  4. Hi there, back for more periodical advice, I got a mechanic to replace the drop link back on the dricers side about 1 year ago now there is a similar bit more noticable noise I think coming from the other bar. If this is the case how much effort would it be to replace it myself, I'm not entirely useless but if specialty tools are needed that counts me out. If it is possible to DIY, would I get this from a normal motor factor as the dealerships are rip offs! Thanks in advance Sorry I forgot to mention its a Y reg Berlingo 1.4 multispace (petrol)
  5. Hi there, my seals have been coming unstuck for a while now, its the ones that start half way up the door colum and travels back along the door channel to the back passenger door, its obvious that when applied it was streched so fifficult to keep in place if I tried to glue it back, does anybody have this problem and fixed it or where do I get replacment seals. Its a (Y) reg 1.4 Thanks in Advance
  6. Alls fixed now but not only did the dealer supply me the wrong pump after giving him the reg number but it was a power supply problem, it turned out to be a fuse in the compartment inside the car and according to my father it was a 5 amp fuse, possibly for a relay, who knows! so it cost me a little more to get it MOT'd. You live and learn! Thanks for all the input.
  7. Today is MOT day and I've got the pump so hope that is the problem, will post back with the results.
  8. Found 2 red fuses in engine bay box swapped them around and used a spare and wipers failed to work but I couldn't find f14 stamped anywhere near where they are, going to buy a new pump and when the MOT is done soon get my mechanic to fit it and pray it works. Thanks for the input guys
  9. Thanks again for the input, the weather has improved greatly so less urgency needed, do you or anyone know the colour or rating of the fuse as I'll have a go this weekend. Cheers and thanks in advance
  10. Thanks iannez and dadbif for the replys, I will check the fuse first, dadbif if your problem was the same as mine does that mean if the motor is faulty it stops the current/signal form operating the 3 wipe function when you pull back the stick or does this sound like a further electrical fault. Thanks again guys, hopefully this fix will be as easy as my brake light which again the advice on here was spot on. PS I rember on another post someone mentioning a multimeter that 'bleeps' is this it. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=44679
  11. Hi Guys, didn't think it would be long before I'd be back here. I've read the two recent posts as regard my problem and I think I fall some where in between, The wife said we'd run out of wash but thougfh the washer wasn't working, filled it up and when I pulled the stick back there was no pump sound or wiper action but the wipers work in the other actions, does anyone know where the pump is situated? or does it spound like an electrical problem. Any Ideas would be appreciated as the weather is bad up here in Aberdeen and going to get worse Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi there, thanks for the advice re-brake light switch, I couldn't believe how easy it was. Thanks again
  13. Its a berlingo but found info on the picaso forum. Thanks again
  14. Thanks again, I wondered why the washer was made of plastic, will have a go this weekend weather permitting.
  15. Thanks for the reply, when you say twist do you mean from side to side?
  16. Hi there, this forums been a bit more active than normal. I have a problem with my brake light switck, I've replaced the bulbs no luck there and the lights only work when i press had on the peddle or work it a few times. I have located the switch, it looked like it was threaded but would not unscew. A search took me to the Picaso forum where it was mentioned it was a stud bolt thing or ratchet type, what I could gather is you push it or pull it to remove or adjust it. Before I annoy my neck to get to this (I think I'll buy a new) and try and replace is there anyone with any advice on this, looks like these switches need replaced quite often. Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi Myke, just had my noise problem fixed, Yep, it was a drop link bar on the drivers side and he fixed the broken weld exhaust joint, £35 cash!, Arnold Clark quoted £40 for the part alone!
  18. Hi Myke, I'm off to the exhaust place praying something is lose there. Just back form the exhuast place apart from a broken bracket (weld) it seems ok I take it a drop link is a anti roll bar as there is some movement on the drivers side.
  19. Hi Myke, any further with your noise problem as I'm looking to go to either to an exhaust place or garage don't know which one will rip me off the worst! Newbee
  20. Hi there guys, I have a noise, or I'll describe it as a muffled rattling noise when ever I go over bumps or rough parts in the road, It feels like its in coming form the middle of the car and its become more pronounced of late. Its a (Y) reg 1.4 petrol model with 36000 miles on the clock. About 6 months ago I had the back box replaced, then just after the MOT when the mechanic had to tighen the seal in that area it came loose. I had it fixed and I think thats when the noise started. Are there any of you guys out there with this or have cured this anoying noise as I'm not good at crawling under cars, old age I think! but may have to take it to the local garage!!!!!!!. Thanks in advance
  21. Yes, I have the same problem and my dad cracked it, all he did was work the inside lock up and down while trying to open it from the out side at the same time.....good luck!
  22. Thanks for the offer Iannez but the tail gate lock is the worst so this one has to match I'm beginning to wonder what other faults this car will have in the futue Cheers
  23. Whats the difference btween a 'key pad' and a 'chipped key' I need to know this before I order a new lock set Cheers
  24. Still have the lock problem but I've used a website that was posted here and I can get a lock set for just under £70, 3 barreles, petrol cap lock and ingnition I'll probably only use the door locks and live with an extra key on the ring
  25. CitreonUK are now paying for both springs to be replaced.
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