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Everything posted by Newbee

  1. Now my off side spring has broen as well and in the middle of trying to get the main dealer to fix it via CitreonUK
  2. Hi Guys, I now need to replace the back box on my Lingo (Y) reg 1.4 any ideas what the cost will be, is there any nationals out there with a good deal? Thanks in advance
  3. You may be right Iannez, would you know I my (Y) reg 1.4 forte multispace has an electronic managment system that can be plugged into to find the fault, if so I can then ask the garage if they have the software for this. Thanks
  4. Thaks for the reply but I plumped for a set of Avon Enviro's, the Michelins I had were origanal and had done 33.000 miles the front ones were in the penalty point zone and the back ones were little better.
  5. Hi Folks, my (Y) reg lingo developed a fault with the engine not firing on all cylinders this lasted for a few miles and I had to stop the engine, when I went to restart it it was fine. My father owned the car before me and he said it had a similar fault and he had it fixed under warranty. He described the part replaced as the part that connects all the spark plugs, I think the coil, any one out there that has experianced the same problem and has had it fixed. I would appreciate some feed back as I'm facing a long journey next week and will probably have to take it to my local garage. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi there, I need to re-new all 4 tyres, they are still the original ones and are now 6 years old I think there continetals, does anyone have any reccomendations on what to replace them with! Thanks in advance
  7. Thanks for the advice, it looks like it is a barrell problem, I contacted Arnold Clark the local dealer and they will supply and fit three barrels 2x door and 1x boot for £311 !!!!!!!!! built up around the original blade and as you advised it may not work due to wear!!! the charge is the same for random barrels, thats 2 keys per barrel!!!!!!! maybe a local garage will do this for a better price, the cars only done 32000 miles, thats a short life for a lock. Any suggestions over and above what has been advised would be appreciated but I'll probably have to bite the bullet! Thanks
  8. Thanks for replying but this has happened firstly to the most used key then to the spare key about a year after, I have used silicone spray in the lock but this is still happening. I'm reluctant to go to the dealer for spare keys in case this is a lock problem and having to then fork out twice to fix this. Thanks for replying again, maybe I'll try WD40 this also has silicone, I think you are right about the spring flap will need to inspect this again but the key must be involved with this this in a wear kind of way. Newbee
  9. Why do you need a 'code' to programme a key?
  10. OK Guys, this post been here a while and my second key is getting worse at opening all the doors including tailgate but works ok with the ignition, there are slight grooves near the point of the key and it looks like they are interfeering with or been caused by the levers in the locks, now I could file them gently down but I suspect that they may not work after this has been done, any feedback on this if someone has tried this please. Last case senario! if i need to buy new keys where can I get them and what info do I need. Cheers, don't be shy, reply!
  11. Hi Guys, I spotted a thread here a while back giving advice on how to fit a CD player to a Lingo and try as I may I can't find it. Its a (Y) reg if that helps, also I been having a problem with the door keys, the first one that has been used the most can be difficult to inset useally stopping about 2-4 mm from being right in and won't open the door without fiddleing with it. Started using the back up key and it is now showing the same symptons. I suspect this is a common fault, any advice on these 2 issues would be appreciated. Cheers
  12. Never thought about approaching the dealer, I would have thought I stood no chance, would this be a dealer to dealer thing or is there a national policy on this, it would be good to know this as I expect the off side spring to go. And yes it did have the dealer re-call when my father owned it.
  13. Never thought about approaching the dealer, I would have thought I stood no chance, would this be a dealer to dealer thing or is there a national policy on this, it would be good to know this as I expect the off side spring to go.
  14. Hi Guys, I've a 'Y' reg lingo and last week one of the front springs broke and I had to buy a spare from the dealer!!, £85 and £40 cash at a garage to fit it, now this car has only done 31000 miles so is that a bit young for a spring to be going, it was the drivers side front spring and the wife said she didn't run over any pot holes or speed bumps! I borrowed my fathers new lingo for the weekend to go to my caravan and the wind lifted the gazebo and one of the legs scratched his bonnet! a costly weekend don't you think, he reckons he can t-cut it out but I have my doudts.
  15. Hi, I own a (Y) reg 1.4 Berlingo and I've just worked out that i'm getting just over 24 MPG!!!!! over this period all my driving was in town with a fair bit of congestion. I,m hoping this will improve this summer as I drive to and from my caravan. I find the clutch on this model a bit soft which leads to over reving, the wife managed to jam one of the sliding back doors so the handle will not operate the door, any ideas? Newbee
  16. Hi guys, I have just bought a Yreg berlingo from my father, as you would expect it has low milage and came at a good price so, happy there. my question is about the wipers, they make a terrible noise during each wipe unless its heavy rain, any ideas? And the rubber seals that are fixed to the body of the car in the door openings, front, have started to come undone how do I go about fixing them back. This cars a van, rools a bit on corners, seats are abit uncomfy does any body know of any seat applications that can be used to inprove this? Any replies appreciated, regards.
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