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Everything posted by bendik2000

  1. On my 96 Xantia, the hose from the filling point of the windscreen washer to the actual tank has broken somewhere down the line. If I pry off the little plastic cover on the inner wheel arch, I can feel where it has become disconnected. I tried patching it up wuth duct tape, but it seems the only thing I accomplished was to pull the bottom end of the hose away from the tank. My (first) question is, how can I get better access to this area to repair it? Is it neccessary to remove the actual body panel, or does the whole inner wheel arch come off somehow? My second problem is that there is a lot of things gone haywire in my dash. It started with the speedo getting stuck on 70 (kmh) sometimes, now the indicators frequently make a sound as if someone was holding the lever just between on and off to any side (a rapid series of indiator sounds, without the lights actually blinking). My blower has taken on a life of its own, ignoring my instructions to stay put on any level (but does not seem to be stuck on auto, as it is very sporadic), and I am also missing backlight on my AC/blower controls as well as on my fuel guage. Is there any one connector that could be stuffed that controls all or several of these, or does each area need seperate rewiring? Any help or feedback would be appreciated. One last q, does anyone know of an online UK Citroen wrecker that ships overseas, or a third party parts dealer similarly inclined? Car parts from the wreckers cost $$$ in Norway, and third party spares dealers aren't well stocked with citroen parts.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply, will try it today. I have a wooden board specifically for propping it up, as the struts are so worn they do not always keep it up.
  3. I just ordered a pair of gas struts for the tailgate on my Xantia station wagon. Does anyone know how to replace these? I can see there is a small "cover" of sorts that looks like it can be pulled off, but there is very little room to work where the struts attach to the car body. If anyone has any tips or knows which tools are needed, it would be appreciated, as I am hesitant to start working on it before i know the procedure. Bendik..
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