I think the key with depreciation is not to look at what the list price vs. the used price is, but what you LOSE over the period of ownership. The list price of the top end C6 is currently around £36,000, but you'll PAY £31,000 for it. Pre-reg cars... £24,000ish depending on how you slice it (mine was £28K but with the incentives used to make up the deposit on finance so effectively got a very low deposit and low monthly payment scheme on Elect 3 - I wanted to wait and buy for cash, but the dealer was very helpful getting me one ahead of schedule!). Now, sure. That's a big drop. But no-one paid that. If you pay £24,000 for a pre-reg (15 miles in my case) C6, use it for a year, and sell it, it'll still be pushing £20,000 used value (IF you can find a buyer, of course) with 20K on the clock. My RX8 lost £9,000 in value over the same sort of period (but I paid less. Contract Hire ftw). Citroën are getting it wrong with the C6 in the UK, again. 106 pre-reg and used cars, nearly all dealer demos, on their site. The original idea was "cars built to order only", in which case I think the depreciation would be better even derived from list. FWIW, I rather like driving a car which is rarer than a Bentley GT ;)