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Everything posted by ando7p

  1. Done. Took 15 minutes. Thanks for the advice. Hows yours coming Ron? For reference the part number was 6441L2, described as a Heater Resist C5/406 and cost me £50.10 inc VAT.
  2. No need to be rude. My internet connection at work must block the SEARCH as it returned no results when I did so yesterday. Looked later last night and found a post detailing the position of the pack and how to remove it.
  3. Must be the time of month for C5 blowers! Mine has done exactly the same thing this morning. Keys in, ignition on, fan display lights up for a few seconds then goes off. All fuses fine. Not having any manual for it makes a little difficult to look at replacing myself, however, if anyone has any ideas of how to do it and its not a big job (have very little free time at the moment) then could you please post here. Did a search and someone else had the fault recitified by a dealer plugging in and resetting so may explore that option first. Just don't want to spend the money on a waste of time diagnostics (have an ELM but cannot get it to reliably work).
  4. Have you checked that the brakes are not binding and are operating properly? Does the car always pull to one side no matter what road surface you are on? Is the hand brake cable sticking (handbrake on the front on that C5 I believe - quick check is to raise both front wheels off the floor and turn them without handbrake applied, then apply one notch at a time to see if they both operate the same)? Are the tyres correctly inflated and worn evenly? Try driving on a good flat surface (not a road as they normally have a camber on them - maybe try a carpark) and apply the brakes to see if it still pulls at all. Do the same with the handbrake (have to be a bit more careful using the h/brake). If the car still pulls (assuming the tracking has been correctly checked) then probability is brakes. Am not too clued up on the suspension on the C5s but you may well have something wrong with it allowing the car to 'go out of shape', i.e. suspension is reacting differently on the 4 corners. I am sure someone else who knows better will help on that one. Do a search on the forum regarding common brake problems including caliper corrosion. Lol - in the time it took me to reply two others have!
  5. Thanks for all the tips / advice. Have been away to the sun and returned late last night so have not had time to try anything. Got a free night tomorrow so will try again in earnest. Fingers crossed that I can isolate the connection problem .... With not having a manual I do not know if the radio / CD is coded so ....... is the standard equipment in a 52 2.0 HDi SX coded? Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks for the info. Will try setup on a petrol younger than 2001 to see if all works. Going on my annual hols so won't be able to see for a week or so. Will most likely turn out to be a conflict on the lappy. Just trying the 'quick' way before going mad on checking all resources first ...... not always the quickest way though!!
  7. PC knowledge isn't the problem. The lappy is correctly configured to accept the ELM as an interface and all the software registers this. Even checked the firewall to see if that treated the interface as a network device, and have surface glanced for resource conflicts but the outcome is still the same. My problem is the lack of understanding as to the ELM chipset and OBD. Know nothing about them. FYI - I was programming Z80 processors in 1981 in assembly code. Nowadays I write programs to create complex reports for a large company. I have built and configured more PCs than I care to remember. I am old school and maybe a bit too long in the tooth to be able to quickly understand how this device works, or if I am operating it properly. Just wanted to know if the ELM is compatible with the C5. If it is then I must have a conflict that I haven't found yet .....
  8. Not always about someone who boots the car. I tow a caravan (yes, one of those that blocks your favourite road on a sunny day!) and will put the engine under load at times. Part of the regulating system of the EGR allows cooler gas flow. Don't know about where all the temp sensors are on a Citroen, but I doubt its in the combustion chamber which is where the excessive heat is. Usually all dials show the various temperatures being fine, yet the combustion chamber is exposed to too much, giving a possibility, I stress, possibility, of cracking the block or head. It is an extreme case where this can happen, but do you really want to risk it for the sake of a new or reconditioned EGR. The EGRs I have seen have been a crude diaphragm and valve where the diaphragm gets perforated or the valve sticks. Regarding my comments / question on the ELM, this is nothing to do with what I was posting about the EGR! I have no idea if a scanner / reader is able to diagnose the EGR as I cannot get the interface working as yet and is posted elsewhere anyway!! Please note that this post was to simply warn anyone thinking of bypassing / blocking / etc of the EGR to be aware of the remote possibility of trouble. Known cases attributable to a mod of the EGR have been very rare.
  9. I have fully licensed software that checks lots more than the free scantool, but returns cannot locate the ecu, even though once connected to the OBD socket the box TX flashes, inferring connection to the car. Even if the free software is carp, I still cannot get the software to read anything from the car. The software tells me that the ELM is live, but will not connect to the car; thats my problem.
  10. Bought an ELM327 USB (serial conversion). Connected to the lappy and ports configured. Software sees the ELM but not the car. Get a message that the software cannot locate the ECU. Does anyone have experience with one of these units and possibly what I am doing wrong?
  11. First off - don't just block the EGR. CAN be prone to causing excessive temperatures in the head department under extreme conditions, leading to cracked blocks, etc. Not a common fault, but it has been known. Best to clean or replace. Secondly - just bought an ELM327 unit myself. The one I have is a serial to USB. Had to reconfigure the comms ports but the lappy now sees (as does the software) the ELM interface. On connecting to the C5 the software simply tells me it cannot determine or find the ECU. I have several different pieces of software including ProScan, Scanmaster, Digimoto and ScanTool. All basically give the same response. Any ideas?? I was 'reliably' informed that the ELM would interface with the C5 (2.0 hdi 52 plate).
  12. Allan - another one fixed thanks to your kind post! Only had the car less than a week so wasn't even sure it had a trip computer fitted. After a bit of looking through the posts I established that it has and that it didn't work. Min had broke in two places. The tab that located the contact strip and the same part as above. Unfortunately for me both pieces could just be seen slipping into the body of the stalk and had no chance of reaching them. Searched the garage for something to use and decided to use solid copper wire. The clearances in the body of the stalk suggested that even though the wire is thicker than the original copper, it would fit. Used a small length of the centre core from some coax, doubled up for strength. When this was soldered in place the thing was rock solid. Also using the wire meant I could clamp the copper piece and hold the wire in place leaving the other hand free to control the iron. The wire could then be gently tweaked to compensate for being slightly different and cut to length. Replaced the broken tab in the same way. Computer now works fine. Many thanks.
  13. ;) Many thanks. I eagerly await delivery of my reader and getting it to work!
  14. Many thanks for the responses. Now then, where do I get the fault code list? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi all, Just bought my first ever Citroen!! Have previously had the pug diesels before and being happy with the engine decided that it was time to have another. I liked the look and drive of the C5 so plumped for one. Being used to the older sort (pre-plug into to find out what is wrong) I am unsure as to what exactly I need to be able to get into the various computer systems to be able to diagnose and repair as necessary. The actual model is a 2002 (52) 2.0 HDI 110 SX. I have no idea as to the OBD connection compliance is nor where it is (reading other posts suggests its in the glove box - will look later today). Would somebody please be kind enough, if they know, to tell me exactly what the connection is, lead description, hand held device recommended or PC software recommended? I have no handbook (none currently on Ebay) and cannot find any kind of 'Haynes' style manual so have no idea of what the fault codes will mean. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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