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  1. I'm sure when I looked that there was some sort of rivited type thing, which is why I didn't do take them out at the time. I'd best go and have another look.....
  2. My washer pump has been playing up for a while. It kept blowing fuses and finally gave up a couple of days before the MOT was booked (not blowing the fuse this time, just not working). As I had no time to look at it properly before the MOT I just left it with them and got them to sort it - apparently it was a pig of a job to replace and they had to re-route some of the wiring??
  3. Nice one! I keep meaning to take the big seat out to make more space. Did you drill out the bits that hold it in?
  4. So, all ready for the first big trip in the Combi (up to the North York Moors for an outdoor weekend) when I notice a bit of a diesel smell. Had a look round and noticed a drip of diesel from the bottom of the engine. Couldn't see where it was coming from but ran it up to the local independant garage (Citroen approved - does all the fixed price servicing). Their man found the leak fairly quickly (it was p*****g fuel out) - it was coming from the injector rail (its a 2.0 HDi, 2003, 29,000 miles). Left it with them for the weekend to fix (went to Yorkshire in Mrs donkeys Clio :P ). Apparently the injector rail had failed and it should have been replaced by Peugeot on a recall - although mine obviously missed it. And that will be £400 for a new rail please sir :( Is that just one of those things? Anyway, since getting it back from the garage, the Pug has a new engine noise and vibration (which I'm sure it didn't have before) which sounds a bit like a bus, when the engine is doing about 1200 rpm - either accelerating up or slowing down. It's fine at idling speed or above 1500 rpm. Is this normal or more bad news? Thanks in advance, donkey A Peugeut Combi Escapade owner (sorry but they are nearly Citroens) who knows nothing about diesel engines but thought it was a good idea at the time (maybe I should stick to 602cc horizontally opposed engines - I know where I am with those ;) )
  5. Has anyone taken the back seats out of a Berlingo to give even more space? I was thinking about replacing the bar things that hold the seat in at the front with bolts, so that the seats can go in and out as required. Any thoughts? donkey
  6. Thanks for your post kfk - this was certainly the first place I saw the story. Perhaps we are all sensible on this forum and run diesels. I might just go and check the oxygen sensor on my 2CV though :rolleyes: donkey
  7. That is some haul :) Maybe you should be reported for Berlingo abuse :D I used to do two bikes on the back of the 2CV. It didn't make stering very easy (though it was a lot lighter!!)
  8. It was just a bit of a shock after never spending more than 20 quid on petrol before (at least of my own money!!). I have been driving around very sedately, enjoying the ride and the view and so I will hopefully get good mileage. LOL! Actually the bit I like least about the car is the nasty beige seats. I will be trying to tastefully pimp these at some point. donkey
  9. I shall pretend I didn't hear that. The front bumper is one of it's best bits ;) Thank you. I shall now ask lots of stupid questions about the car. :D donkey
  10. Update....... Thanks for all the comments and info. We've been looking for the right car since November. SWMBO decided that she liked the new shape better than the old one and therefore authorised spending up to £6k on a blue or green one :P Saw a few but we either weren't quick enough to snap them up or didn't like them enough and then we spotted this: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u220/donkey602/partner.jpg I know it’s not a Lingo but it nearly is and it looks soooo cool (colour approved by SWMBO) :P . And it’s got the 2.0 HDi motor :lol: . Handed over the hard-earned and picked it up Saturday and I love it. Can’t believe how big it is on the inside and yet small on the outside. The word Tardis spring to mind. Mind you, nearly fainted at £60 to fill it up (remember I’m coming from a 2CV which has a 5 gallon at a push tank) :blink: So, am I still welcome in these parts? :angry: donkey
  11. lol - we have to be or we don't get very far :P Good point though! I will see what's out there using the info you guys have given for guidance. If I ask very nicely, SWMBO may let me go to £4k for a new shape!
  12. Thanks for that. Would I be right in saying there isn't that much difference between the 1.4 petrol and 1.9 diesel in terms of economy and running costs? If thats the case I will look at either that comes up in my price bracket. I like the new shape (post 2003?) more than the old one but don't think I can run to one of those atm. Sorry for mentioning the 'K' word but I am a newbie :P
  13. Hi All, I think I need to buy a Berlingo! But what should I look for? I like the idea of the big load area to cart stuff around in, without it being to big and van like on the outside, so the Berlingo looks good. I current drive a 2CV as my daily car (which is rusting away as we speak and needs to come off the road for some serious work) and I do a 50 mile round trip commute in it, so I am not used to paying much for petrol (I can get 50 mpg from the 2CV) or tax / insurance. Also, I'm not to bothered about a blistering performance (2CV driver - enough said) but if I am getting a 'proper' car it would be nice to progress at around the national speed limit without to much effort. I am looking at spending around £3k. Any suggestions on what I should look for? Petrol or diesel? Old or new? Anything to watch for? What about Kangoos (can I ask that here?). Thanks in advance.
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