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Everything posted by JennyW

  1. Can't move the gear lever at all once in 5th.
  2. Well it seems that the replacement garbox I had fitted back in August 2008 has failed with less than 24,000 miles on the clock. It's exactly the same problem, unable to get ut of 5th gear! First to fourth and reverse are OK, but getting out of 5th is just about impossible. Anyone else had this problem?
  3. Finally got a call this am to say my C3 was ready. After half an hour of waiting because they couldn't remember where the mechanic had parked the darned thing, I drove it out of the garage only to find there was no power whatsoever. In fact I had to resort to going up hill in 1st gear. Back to the garage - 3 hours later they call me again to say it's ready. Apparently a vacuum (?) hose had come lose and so there was no power whatsoever to the engine. I'm begining to wonder if Citroen dealerships aren't staffed by a troup of untrained baboons!
  4. Well, my C3 has now been in the local Citroen Garage for over 2 weeks. Despite promises that it would be ready on Monday, then Tuesday, the Wednesday, I still don't have the blessed thing back. Citroen UK customer services are less than useless - if and when they return your calls - they basically just repeat what the dealer has told them. I was assured by a customer services manager this afternoon that the dealer would ring me later today and I would get my car back. Why I am not surprised they haven't rung. Needless to say, I would NEVER, ever, buy another car from Citroen.
  5. Well, the saga contines. The local dealer has replaced the pin and fork spindle finger, but the fault is still there. That's twice Citroen have misdiagnosed the fault on my C3. They now want to install a reconditioned gear box - guaranteed for one year only - at a cost of over £1500. The car has only done 19,040 miles - I could understand the gearbox failing if I'd hammered the thing into the ground every time I drove it, but I don't. In the last year, I've covered less than 2,300 miles. How can I be sure that a replacement gearbox will last any longer?
  6. I have a 54 plate C3 1.4HDI 92bhp, which I have owned since new. I've been having problems getting out of 5th gear. 1-4 work fine, as does engaging 5th, but once in 5th you have to giggle the gear leaver/switch the engine off to get out of gear. The car has done 19,000 miles. At first the local dealer thought it was something to do with the plastic gate between the chain linkage and the gear box. After replacing this, the fault was still present. They've now rung me to tell me the pin & fork spindle finger has failed. It's going to cost in the region of £908 to repair! Fortuantely, I extended my warranty through CMSA last year when the manufacturers warranty ran out. However, the insurance company are insisting on sending an engineer out to examine the car before agreeing the claim. Has anyone else had this problem and is it a common fault.
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