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Everything posted by darth510

  1. thanks for that, i felt like a good ignoring will be the best course of action, just glad someone agrees with me.If i hadn't found the bill i would have been none the wiser, probably the main dealer trying to bleed the last owner for more cash, thanks again buddy :blink:
  2. My daughters AX has a service receipt from a garage last month(she has only had it 2 days) saying that there is an ecu prob and low compression on No#4, i cannot find any bills for this being fixed but the car drives perfect?? if i hadnt founf this blasted bill there would be no worry-but its my daughters and dont want it to break on her.It says the pressure was 30psi, would i notice any running problems with this?? :P
  3. Hi all, sorry to post this in the saxo site but nothing on the ax one.My daughter has just bought a p reg ax, it seems to drive all ok, but going thru the paperwork i noticed that a garage had reported to have low compression on No#4(30psi) and ecu problems, like i said it drives fine but as it is her 1st car i dont want her to have problems so will try to fix - any ideas please
  4. Hi New to this site, just bought the missus a saxo(not VTR/S) and the front wing was dented, replaced that satis, but noticed the skirt hangs down from the bumper by about 1.5cm, is there a way of raising this or is it common?
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