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Everything posted by zx1.9td

  1. mines a 1994 red volcane td brought it for the missis so she dont wreck my car doing shopping and school runs ive never owned a french motor before but i have to say i enjoy driving this car loads ive tuned it a little but it handles like it's on rails i really wanted to get her a pug 306dturbo but they was to expensive but when u look at the parkers site the zx 0-60 is 10.5sec the 306 0-60 is 12-13sec the other car i own is a skoda oct vrs 1.8 20valve turbo chipped by amd and turbo uprated last rolling road she was making 240bhp standard figs for the car is 0-62 7.8 sec and 150 top end i also have a rgv 250 track bike so how about u lot ?
  2. just to post an answer the notchies are thicker gaskets due to piston protursion from block + if ever the heads been skimmed so if you ever need to replace be carfull 1notch=standard 2notch=thicker 3notch=thicker still 5notch=maybe think about selling it on lol
  3. problem i got is the poxy strings dont retract so when i shut the boot there hanging over the rear lights this really bugs me so i just leave the shelf with out the string attached to the boot but every time i want to put something in it's like a juggling act any ideas ? :D
  4. hey i recently tuned my td but over did it with the boost so be carefull but i tel u it flys totaly different car pulls hard from the word go if you have a bosch pump u can tune via turning a couple of screws just don't mess around with the actuator on the turbo and u should be fine
  5. i recently raised the boost to 17psi then on the m/way deceided to so if she pulls any better top end when i looked at the boost gauge @ 4000rpm noticed to my shock it was way off the gauge (gauge shows 20psi) so i backed off needless to say a few miles later loads of black smoke and no power blown head gasket on stripping i found the head was knackered beyond repair so i got a secondhand head from breakers & fitted it while i was doing that i set the actuator back to where i adjusted it from now i have still got boost problems in 1st 2nd i get 15 psi 3rd 16ish 4th 17-18 5th 20+ psi but ive put it all back to where it started off at im worried i might wreck another head/gasket is it possible that the acuator is stuffed ? it's a kkk type turbo
  6. hope this helps but i once had this problem with a vr6 golf i ended up finding a garage with a really old on the car wheel balance machine it fixed the problem but if you ever take the front wheels off they have to go back in exactly the same place
  7. got 1 for £100
  8. hi guys how much do u reacon i could pick up a second hand head for mines badly damaged between cylinders or has anyone got 1 for sale 1.9 td 1994
  9. how fast should a td go top end the book says 115mph but in real life what sort of speed are u lot getting outa these things ? of course it goes with out saying that u would only do these sorts of speeds on private property or on tracks etc
  10. hi guys im a newwbie so please go easy on me a recently brought a 1994 volcane td i stupidly wacked the turbo boost up to 18 psi and blew the crap outa the head gasket ive stripped the head off but im in a delma about this head gasket notch buissness the old gasket seems to have 5 notchies in a row then 1 notch all on its own the pistons stick past the block by 0.76mm at tdc which to be safe i would say 3 notch gasket BUT if the head has been skimmed would i be right in thinking that i might need a thicker then 3 notch gasket ? please help as the more i look into this the more confused i get thanks mark
  11. hi guys im a newwbie so please go easy on me a recently brought a 1994 volcane td i stupidly wacked the turbo boost up to 18 psi and blew the crap outa the head gasket ive stripped the head off but im in a delma about this head gasket notch buissness the old gasket seems to have 5 notchies in a row then 1 notch all on its own the pistons stick past the block by 0.76mm at tdc which to be safe i would say 3 notch gasket BUT if the head has been skimmed would i be right in thinking that i might need a thicker then 3 notch gasket ? please help as the more i look into this the more confused i get thanks mark
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