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Everything posted by Stasi

  1. I think I agree with you; I would probably damage the thing further pulling it to be bits and if it is anything like the Audi/Skoda type the illumination is surface-mounted LEDS that cannot be successfully replaced....
  2. Hi again, has anyone dismantled the swich block on the drivers door? the illumination for the L/R mirror selection is out on my car and I'd like to get it working if possible.... Stasi
  3. Hi Dragan, I think you would be opening up a big can of whoopass trying this; even from the hardware point of view you would have problems; it's not a simple box out-box in procedure; you would need flywheel, gearbox, maybe a different starter motor driveshafts etc...., and the possible software incompatibilities to my mind make this idea a non-starter.... Sorry to be so negative but having done this type of thing on far less advanced vehicles than a C5, and with a complete donor vehicle to plunder, there are all sorts of things that need considering beyond the idea. I think you would perhaps be better trying to source a good secondhand autobox and fitting that. Regards Stasi
  4. Thanks for the info; I've cleared the codes and will read the ECU in a few days and see if there is anything there - unless of course the MIL pops up and nags me that there is a problem! Do you think these two codes are related? As I said I am just finding my way around the C5; the learning curve from a Trabant to a C5 is tremendous! Regards Stasi
  5. Thanks Steve, I was able to blag an ELM327 and surprisingly the little beauty connected up and worked first time; a deal was struck and included a lesson in how to hook it all up too - I then parted with the price of a bottle of Wodka for it (or 9 litres of petrol, if that's not a bargain I don't know what is!) Anyway, was able to read off the codes and reset the MIL lamp and watched some pretty graphs in real-time too so it all seems to be ok on my car. I just need to interpret it! I've posted about the fault codes as I am a bit 'stone-age' when it comes to cars, I still have Imperial and Whitworth spanners in the cupboard ( my tool kit is a little more up-to-date now, have gone all metricated haha) and I am just getting into modern technology! Regards Stasi
  6. Hi again, I've read off two fault codes on my C5 HPi which were P0132 and P1161. P0132 translates as 'Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank1, Sensor1)' but I cannot find a reference for the P1161 anywhere for Citroen or Peugeot cars.... Please correct me if I am wrong ( I learned my way around cars that were fitted with solid metal reversing sensors; they were called overriders.....) but I am a Luddite when it comes to diagnostics, but would 'Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank1, Sensor1)' be a Lambda sensor???. Think I should have stuck to the Austin Cambridge :-) Thanks Stasi
  7. I've an intermittent anti-pollution fault on my 2.0 HPi and a fruitless attempt to borrow a scanner, so have been looking on the web at a couple of options, either a hand-held U581 for about 60 quid or an ELM-327 interface to run with the laptop, anyone have an opinion on these two choices and what would be the better option Thanks Stasi
  8. Hi, I am hoping that someone in the Watford area may have a code reader I can use (or a secondhand one I can buy!) as I have had an engine anti-pollution message come up on my 2002 HPi Exclusive twice now with no noticeable problem apart from the nag message..... Regards Stasi
  9. Just wondering if anyone has had success reading and resetting fault codes with the PC-based diagnostic software and a cable, even if only on a limited-access basis? I have an OBD11 usb cable that I used in my VAG days on Oktavia and Golf etc, and I have seen a couple of programmes that claim to be able to read many manufacturers cars (eg. Digimoto, OBD2Spy, Scanmaster et al.) but obviously am wary of connecting to my pride-and-joy..... The reason I am asking is that I had the 'Engine anti-pollution' error for about half-an-hour and wondered what had precipitated this, no other sign of a problem, I am just curious. My car should be EOBD compliant, being an '02 petrol car... Stasi
  10. Thanks Dave, I'll give this a try, there doesn't seem to be any access to the motor and gears that fold the mirrors but there is a handy hole in the casing that is hidden when the mirror is unfolded, it looks a suitable candidate for a squirt of WD40, and I will also sqirt some at the gap where the mirror pivots.... Stasi
  11. Thanks! :-) Stasi
  12. Sorry to ask such a daft question, but having recently migrated from a Skoda Oktavia on which the MAF sensor is immediately visible and accessible (on the air intake from the airbox infact!) I am at a loss to find it on my 2002 C5 2.0 HPi..... I tried a search in the forum but due to the term MAF having only three letters the search engine spat me out.... So could someone please tell me where the MAF sensor is located on my car?? Thanks Stasi
  13. Thanks Randombloke, is it worth trying to clean the MAF sensor with carb. cleaner, or similar; I had a Skoda Oktavia that refused to idle at intervals and a squirt of carb.cleaner was pretty effective; I would guess that the sensor is a similar unit on most cars these days, any reason not to try it? Thanks Stasi
  14. Good morning everyone, Having recently bought my C5 I am working around a couple of minor irritations on the car; I realise that compared with some on here my problems are miniscule; Firstly, the car has an occasional hesitation when picking up from low speeds, which clears when one gives the car a little bit of throttle, it usually happens when you've been in slow moving traffic for a while; it almost 'clears its throat' and then it's fine until the same conditions occur. We did a 200 mile round trip yesterday and on the open road went like a bird! The car has had a new EGR valve, the CVT pulley was changed when the timing belt was done 10,000 miles ago as was a full service, so I am wondering what the first few things that I should check are. Secondly, the mirror on the drivers side unfolds in a series of jerks accompanied by clicks, and I was wondering if this was curable or likely to get worse until the mirror stops opening/closing, I am guessing that a pair of gears are not meshing properly and hope that someone here can tell me where the mechanism is and how to access it! Thanks Stasi
  15. Hi, I have a problem that is loosely related to this; my passenger side mirror functions don't work, and I am guessing it would be either the sliding switch on the drivers side, or more likely a disconnected plug with the passenger side door, as the temp. sensor isn't sensing! The mirror does fold up properly though. What i need to know is how to remove the door furniture without braking anything, can anyone help? Thanks Stasi
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