Hello to all, I have been lurking a while. Finally got around to registering today. Looking forward to some good chats on here. Anyway, the C1 in question is my wife's. It's a July 06 Vibe. Some fool taxi driver tried to squeeze between her and the kerb the other day. Didn't have the decency to stop. She got his badge number, but he is denying all knowledge!! Think I will just go round and slap him, and deny it of course. He has dented the nearside front wing above the wheel arch. Took the car to the dealer where we bought it from-they estimate £750!!!! It's solid red so hardly and expensive paint job. Qustion is does anyone have experience of rplacing the wings? I don't mind doing it myself anf then getting the area resprayed. Will this defeat the warranty? Really don't want to spend that some of money, and really by the time we claim on Insurance will still cost a bit. Any suggestions, hopefully clean, will be much appreciated. Bill ps. I think the C1 is a cracking little car. I enjoy driving it and I am used to much larger cars.