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Everything posted by markyb

  1. today i had it checked on a 4 wheel alignment set up cost me £60 but it came back clear . not been involved in a bad accident so they also agreed that it is probably a failing steering pump. the original garage i took it too, checked pretty much everthing calipers were checked tracking was done (twice) tyres were swapped over .as far as im aware they checked everything that could be checked. they are goingto see what options are available regarding racks
  2. ive had my c3 1.4hdi for around 4 yrs now its a 2003 model i love this car, so far ive never had any major problems changed brakes all round and a few other bits oh and both front springs replaced but my problem now is pulling its pulling to the left quite alot. and i can feel it in my right arm after a long journey had it in my local (not citoren dealer) garage. they have had it for 4 days and can not tell me what is wrong they tracked it but its still pulling, they have stripped it down, checked it , measured it but still puzzled by it i had both my front springs done about 3 months ago, a friend of a friend did them the garage said they were not seated correctly so they redid them they were puzzled, but said the only thing it may be is the steering failing or maybe the car been in a bad bump prior to me buying it. however they said although it was apparent it had had a left front bump they didnt think it was anything major as underneath it was ok they siad replacing the rack now was not a good option as it may not be that, and that its difficult to tell at this stage if it is the rack anyone had a similar prolem oh they did mention about having it 4 wheel aligned to see if the chasis was straight
  3. today i took the c3 out for the fist time since we had all the heavy snow i cleared the snow off the roof and screen but i guess i didnt clear it all from round the wipers i put them on but i guess it was too much for them so i cleared most of it away now they wont work. washers still work rear wiper ok front wipers sort of make a small grunt and move about a mm but nothing else its obvious somethings there i checked the fuse but its fine. i took t he car out for a good long run to north wales and back (about 200 round trip) i thought maybe the arms were froze and would be ok when everything warmed up but no any ideas????? also here is a strange one. with all the cold weather my gearbox been freezing 1st time it felt like it had been cased in a sort of thick gel and was real slow and hard putting it in to gear, then after a few mins of the car warming up was fine a few other times (today included ) would not move at all . but again after a few mins warming car up. its as good as new
  4. had screen done today £160 fitted for a sensor screen. just one problem my lights are on all the time, and wipers don't work with the rain sensor ive just rung the installer guy back and he is going to have a look tomorrow. in fact they worked when he first put the screen in (strange) is there a way of overriding the sensor. its mot time on thurs and might be an idea to disable them if the windscreen man cant sort it tomorrow
  5. my car a 2003 c3 hd1 1.4 is due an mot next week when i bought the car last year it had just had an mot with the documents the garage had put in an emissions fail paper. this test was done 6 days before it passed the quoted figure was 4.94 i never rang the garage back to see how they had got the emissions down (ie: did they change the catt) what are the max figure for a diesel engine and is there a way of getting it checked beforehand
  6. well im shocked 93 views and no comments. looks like im the only one with this problem
  7. i have a 1.4 hdi 2003 c3 i got a problem with windscreen. although ive not had it confirmed it seems as if the laminate as gone. all round the edge of the screen there is a white ish mark all round the screen. and i have spots (look like rain marks) on the screen .also there are large areas of the screen that look foggy. it looks worse outside than inside. im going to see if my local mot station would fail it on an mot mine is due in sep ive rang a few places to get prices for new screen most quoted between £110 for normal screen fitted, up to £150 for the screen with sensors. mine has the rain and light sensors on. oh autoglass wanted £750, but thats another story LOL looking at my sensor box its stuck to the inside of the screen and the interior mirror attatches to it. i would have thougt the sensor box would just fit to a normal screen or is there more to it than that im not fussed about the wipers as they are a pain. the light sensors are ok. but i could live without it. but one installer said if i have normal screen my lights may be on all the time and wipers may not work on intermittent
  8. cant help on prices as i only pick my 1st citoren up tomorrow a c3 hdi 16v just had a quick look online and found this place cats are £92 plus vat but you will need to get it fitted. i guess you will need to shop around to get a good deal in the meantime have a look at parts on here http://www.buypartsby.co.uk/
  9. [quote You haven't got his old car have you.lol his was CA52 SGY LOL would be spooky if he did im getting an 03 1.4hdi next week, hope this is a one off problem sorry nothing pesonal
  10. i pick up my 03 reg 1.4 hdi exclusive next week cant wait. big savings to be had over my fiesta im not 100% sure but i think you need to be doing around 50-55 mph to get max fuel consumption
  11. here it is http://i353.photobucket.com/albums/r382/markyb1_photos/media.jpg
  12. as anybody come across these new insurance groups im about to buy a c3, insurance group 5. but when i rang my insurer more than. i was informed that it will be a group 9 and not a 5 abi now have 50 groups instead of 20
  13. hi all new member here, ive joined because im about to buy c3 its a 2003 1.4hdi 16v exclusive 42.000 miles and i got a good deal on my own fiesta the garage is putting 12mnth mot 12 month tax and a service, the car is up for £4500 and i got £3100 for my fiesta im close to buying it i know there are a lot of negative reports regarding c3s but that could be the same for any car one thing i got a shock with was the insurance. after ringing more than i was told it is a group 9 after a bit of arguing with the woman that it is only a group 5, i was told that the new insurance bands now go from 1-50 and not 1-20 so, should i buy or not? cheap tax and almost 70mpg really appeal
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