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  1. Have a 52 plate C5 2.0 HDi and have an intermittent problem when the temp guage which will suddenly rise to the highest point and the STOP light will come on on the dash. The first time it happened I called the AA out, by the time they arrived it had stopped doing it but they checked everything thoroughly (coolant levels / pressure etc.) and could find nothing wrong. I drove home (about 100 miles) with no recurrence. It keeps happening now and again with no logical reason sometimes an hour into a long journey sometimes on a 10 minute drive to work. The car does not appear to be overheating the coolant level is fine with no apparent leaks. Any ideas? Should I start by changing the temp sensor?
  2. Have a 52 plate C5 2.0 HDi and for some time now have been aware of a squeaking noise that appears to come from the front of the car when driving, it doesn't happen all the time some days you never hear it other days it is fairly constant. I knid of thought it must be the wheel bearing (but not sure why) and was going to get the guy that does the MOT to have a look next week when it goes in. But when I was driving yesterday and it was really irritating me I realised I could stop it with a dab on the brakes, it doesn't sound like a worn pads rubbing noise it seems much higher pitched and never occurs at really low speeds. Anyone got any thoughts what to check first, if it is something I can fix myself I would rather do it but do not want to just change parts at random. Thanks ZD
  3. My C5 2.0 HDi has recently started filling the car with a strange smell when the heater fan is turned on. It happens all the time regardless of what is in front so it is definitely the car producing it. The smell is a bit like the smell when you have a hose burst of stale heated water, water levels and temps all seem okay. Anyone had a similar problem or any idea what may be causing it? Thanks ZD
  4. Have just picked the car up from my nearest Bosch specialist, the problem was a faulty injector which was leaking, they overhauled the injector and problem solved. (£216 for diagnostics and repair) Just wish I had done this months ago rather than take the advice of the Indie and think it was the fuel pumps. Anyway for today at least the car is going fine and I am a happy man
  5. Got a tow start recently and it did fire up straight away. Does this sound like a fuel pump problem, the garage mentuoned metal debris in the filter which they suggested was from the fuel pump. Wish I could get hold of a Haynes manual so I could get my head round the layout and workings of the car a bit better so I could be a bit more hands on. If the coolant sensor is easy to get to and cheap to buy is it worth changing this to see if it makes a difference. If so where is it? Thanks again ZD
  6. I am sure that I can hear the pump priming, did not get any print out/codes from the garage, they just replaced a faulty starter motor, replaced the fuel filter and diagnosed the starting problems as fuel pump failing. Once started the car seems to run fine and start okay for the rest of the day, just won't start from cold in the morning unless I use the magic spray. I want to get it sorted now but am just nervous of spending £600 on new fuel pumps to find it does not solve the problem.
  7. On advice of my local indie garage I am planning to get them to replace the fuel pump on my C5 52 reg 2.0 HDi. Not a cheap exercise so I thought I would ask if the experienced on this forum think that this seems my logical next step. My only sympton at the moment is that the car won't start first thing after a cold night, once I have used some cold start spray and got the engine started it is fine for the rest of the day. I have already had the glow plugs replaced and the relay checked. The indie garage when they last looked at it found debris in the fuel filter which helped them diagnose a failing fuel pump. Does this sound right????? Thanks ZD
  8. Have a C5 HDi which just wont start first thing after a cold night. Have had the glow plugs changed and relay checked with no improvement. My local independent have diagnosed a failing fuel pump which seems to make sense. Only problem is I haven't got the £600+ to get it fixed for a couple of months, so in the meantime I have to use cold start spray first thing in the morning to get it going. Every mechanic I have spoken to have suggested this is not good stuff to use on a regular basis, is this right and why? If so will a couple of months use once a day do permanent damage to the engine? Thanks Zendog
  9. I want to remove the battery on my C5 (2.0 HDi 52 plate) have turned the locking cam thing at the front to release that fixing but the battery still wont budge. Dont want to force it if there is anything else holding it in. Still haven't got an owners manual so need some guidance. Thanks in advance. ZD
  10. Got my C5 2.0 HDI a few months ago, it is a 2002 model with 110k on the clock, so far so good but recently after a cold night I have a real problem starting it. I live in the South of England so we are not even talking really cold. The battery is only just over a year old and keeps turning it over it just wont fire, this morning had to use some "cold start" spray. As I understand it the glow plugs aren't used until -5 which it definitely wasn't so I am not sure what the problem is. My other problem is that since I have had the car the radio picks up all FM stations with no problem but I just can't get any medium wave channels tuned in - anyone any ideas I am guessing it can't be the arial if I can get FM Any help ideas would be appreciated. Thanks ZD
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