Hiya my first post on here, after a bit of advice / help, my mum has just got a used Citroen c3 and the dealer is posting us the owner handbook and i am unsure of a few buttons, one of which is the auto lights (got a rain sensor so assume it all comes as one, i.e. big hub at top of window inside), how do u turn them on, its nothing obvious that i can see and show no similarities to my renault clios method, i am stumped, also is there anywhere to download the user book, renault have it under 'My Renault' but citroen dont seem to have anything. this is it, its a 1.6 manual exclusive i think. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/Citroen%20C3/CIMG0178.jpg any help greatly received Christian