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Everything posted by mouse

  1. The US Air Base was Rhein Main. It shares the flight lines with Frankfurt International Flughafen. I think I remember that, or something similar while I was stationed there. Sadly Rhein Main was closed down about a year ago. T'was a mighty base, and the on-base housing rawked. Just a little filler info. RAF Mildenhall. One foggy night, an RAF representative comes by for an 'inspection'. This is a pointless exercise since the USAF (who basically 'rent' the base) are a tidy folks. RAF rep parks his recently restored Jaguar mkII in what he percieves to be an empty parking lot where it won't get dinged and gets an on-base taxi to the crowded hotel. In the morning the fog clears. Our friendly RAF rep is called to the control tower, as soon as he can. Once up there the base commander asks the RAF rep if he spots anything amiss on the runway. RAF rep, taken aback, has a good long look. There's a C-130 listing to one side at the end of a runway. He remarks upon this and that a British Pilot would never make such a mistake. The base commander then asks him to take a closer look through a set of binoculars. The RAF rep takes said binoculars and peers at the flattened wreckage of a recently restored mkII Jag.
  2. One quick phone call later. Ecas do a tow-bar for the duck for around £70. Now it's not an A-frame as far as I could tell, but it's probably worth looking into. Edited, cause I realised they're talking about to tow with a 2cv, not for towing one. I guess Ecas equipped 2cv's don't break down enough to warrant one.
  3. What he said. Basically my hotmail.com is dead, now I'm on hotmail.co.uk. Same name. Yeah, 2cv accessory do the towing A-frame, but the £POA got me wondering. If you live in the states, look to U-Haul for help. Not sure if the Tow Dolly is narrow enough for a 2cv, but it's certainly worth checking out. U-Haul's Auto Trailer is way too wide.
  4. Scotjimland is on the ball there, 125 boxed on an R15 rim. The 145 boxed R15 is from the GS/ GSA, the 2cv's bigger, yet younger brother. You can replace the solid steels from the 2cv with the slotted steels from the GS/ GSA since they share the same bolt pattern, and fit up to a 155 (Slightly deflated) mud and snow tyre if you want to do some mud-plugging. Sorry I've not been on in a while, I've been on the Picasso side of this and seem to have forgotten the password for my 'Truemouse' account on this side. I'm confused. Is this for a 2cv, or a bug? If it is for a 2cv, check out ECAS. They're UK's number one supplier.
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