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  1. Do you have the spring on? I think it is happening because of it. You need to fit the spring or have a new spring on. ______________________ Western New England College EDP
  2. As what I did, I just open the tail gate, then take off the plastic inside the cover and reach the hole that gives access towards the lock. Look for the little arm that operates then release the trigger and pull it up and down. You'll see a nut on this arm, then adjust it up or down. On my case, the nut loosens sometime. _________________________ Western New England College EDP
  3. first thing to do is to disconnect the negative cable of the battery and remove the serpentine belt from the pulley on the alternator. follow the instructions here, ehow.com.
  4. i almost had this same situation with you. what we did was we changed the air filter and remove the air cleaner. check this stuff to view and access a carburetor or other stuff under the cleaner.
  5. I had the same situation before as the exhaust manifold failed and pieces were rattling around inside. The tech guy told me that the rear cat might be bad but he's not too sure until the front manifold was removed.
  6. try looking at eBay and apw. these two are popular when it comes to brake calipers products. i'd tried purchasing a caliper from apw. they're just fine.
  7. A leaking water line can cause big problems. If the leak is very small you can turn off the water, dry the pipe, and tightly wrap with black electrical tape. This link might help, www.associatedcontent.com/article/660019/fixing_a_leaking_water_line_how_to.html?cat=6 __________________ Autopartswarehouse.com Car Mods.
  8. Check the action of the clutch pedal, listen for unusual noises, and feel for clutch pedal vibrations. Check this link, http://www.clarks-garage.com/shop-manual/ts-04.htm this may help you out. __________________ Autopartswarehouse.com Car Mods.
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