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  1. Pic copied & saved. Ta! Where did you get the original info/diagram from?
  2. Good on yer Dave. :blink: That's a run up on ramps job. Everything is encased underneath.
  3. Can anyone give me a clue the location of the horn on my 2008 1.6HDI Desire. I've decided to fit the air horns that I had on my previous motor, (it'll be a tight fit, but they will go) I know it's on the N/S of the engine compartment, as that's where the blast is coming from, but I can't see it. Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to use the original feed to feed a relay, always providing it's a live feed. But because I can't see it, & having been told where it's located by you guys, (hopefully) is it a twin wire feed & earth, or earth return through the mounting & a live feed to the horn when the contact is pressed. I don't have a diagram & Haynes aren't about to issue one either. :blink: Thanks in anticipation.
  4. Thanks for your reply. No, it doesn't have cruise control, but on further enquiries it seems the engine ECU is cutting in at that speed (as it slows down in that gear) to maintain engine tickover. I don't usually drive like that, it just that the first time it occured, I had to replicate it, to see if it did it again, which it did & now I know why. Thanks again.
  5. I'm hoping someone out there has the same Berlingo as me, or others are experiancing the same symptoms as I am. My motor is the 2008 1.6 HDI 92Desire. Now sometimes when I'm in, say, top gear & release the accelerator when doing app 35ish, as the speed drops & just as the engine starts to labour (still in top) the engine picks up & the car simply keeps going. My foot is nowhere near the gas pedal, but it is without doubt still maintaining around 28/30mph, I can feel it driving & definitely not on over-run. The pedal is not sticking, because if I then dip the clutch, the revs ease down from just over 1000rpm to app 950/1000rpm. Whereas if the pedal was sticking the revs would rise. I've also noticed this in 4th gear in the same scenario. My dealer at first said that they are all like that???? But when I insisted that I'd been in the trade myself as a mechanic & never come across anything like it, he booked it in to be checked out & found nothing. I think there is something amiss, because my mpg is crap as I've indicated elsewhere on this forum. If I get in touch with Citroen Technical, they'll simply refer me to my dealer. Anyone shed any light on this phenomenon? :rolleyes: Cheers BeeJay
  6. All I do is tot up the mileage covered & do the conversion to get mpg. As I've stated, the heavy right boot, doesn't come into the equasion. It would, if I was happy the engine & componants were fully run-in. BeeJay
  7. Good question. When I went through the manual having got the motor home, I couldn't work out how the computor worked. So I took the car into the dealer, only to be told I don't have this facility, on my 2008 Desire 1.6 HDI Diesel??????
  8. I've covered 2247 miles since picking up my 08 1.6HDI 92bhp. I didn't expect good fuel figures for the first few tank fulls, but as the engine loosens up, I'd have expected the mpg to improve. Instead the figures are slightly worse??? From new the 1st full tank returned 48.19mpg. (571miles) The latest fill-up returned 46.78mpg (556miles) Over all, the average mpg for the 2247 miles covered is 47+ which I must say I'm disappointed with. tronboy returning 600 & then 700 miles on a single fill (app 58mpg for the latter) is what I would expect from a modern 1.6 92 HDI diesel engine. But 47mpg is very poor. I can't be accused of a heavy right boot, as I'm a retired mechanical engineer, so I know how an engine should be run-in. BeeJay ;)
  9. I've recently bought a new (not the new model) 2008 1.4 HDI 92bhp Berlingo Desire. This has replaced my Petrol 1.4 Renault Kangoo which I had from new for 7 yrs. If the Citroen performs as well as the Kangoo did, (never any problems) then I'll be a happy chappie. So far I've only put 1500 mls on the clock, & am well suited with the car. Storage space is amazing with the overhead module. Whereas the new Kangoo has the side lockers fitted in the style of aircraft lockers, which IMHO just don't look right. The all new Berlingo for 2008, again IMHO isn't to my liking. Even the dealer commented on it being too van-like & ugly looking. The flared wheel arches (similar to my Kangoo) looked good on the preview pics. but in reality, they look like an afterthought. So all in all I'm happy with the Berlingo & would recommend one, even an older one, as another forum I contribute to, has members praising the marque. BeeJay (newbie on here) ;)
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