Hi, hope you can help :( I have just bought a Xsara Hdi 110 2003 which had a seized up cooling fan (A/C working when driving but cut out at standstill due to the fan not running). I replaced it with a good one from the breakers but when this didn't work I checked the two resistors in the radiator shroud and these were open circuit on the thermal fuse (must of overheated due to the excess current and no draught from the fan) anyhow I happend to have a couple of spares from the same car the fan came off, these were ok and were fitted. :) The problem now is that it still doesn't work when the A/C is turned on, I have checked all the fuses I can find including the fuse box next to the battery (not got a handbook yet, one is coming off ebay soon). :blink: I have a feeling there maybe somthing I have missed which may have burnt out due to the high current which the siezed fan will have been drawing. :) I left the engine running to see if the fan would cut in when the engine temp increased, however after idleing for 30 mins it had not reached 90oc (efficient these Diesels), so I gave that up. Any info would be great. Cheers, Steve. PS is the thermostat easy to change? Mine opens at about 65 Deg. :)