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About fwd

  • Birthday 05/13/1948

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  1. Thank you 'ausbinny' - a few days ago the battery went flat (car had stood unused for well over 2 weeks in this cold spell!!), managed to get the battery charged up and the car up and running ok. Went down in it to the shops today and hey presto... boot would not open - not wanting to play around in the supermarket's car park, so loaded the shopping into the car and drove home. Suspecting a fuse/relay problem, looked in the handbook and could not find anything so a little bit of 'tinternetting' brought me back here 2 years on!!! Your tip did the trick - THANK you for sharing it... :)
  2. Because of the nature of the problem, and the fact that that it is intermittent, it is difficult to say... Done a 400 mile round trip without any problems, had a problem the very next day, 'rebooted' and has been OK since. That was the reason for the original message, how safe would you feel if it keeps happening at awkward places like junctions and traffic lights!!! Unlike "CE08LDB" it never happens whilst on the move... only when setting off from a standstill
  3. Thank you Brad1... under normal circumstances it does correct itself in a minute or two, but on this occasion it was acting the 'goat' and as stubborn as a mule :o I did call Citroen Slough and as far as they are aware, this is NOT a commom Pluriel problem but similar problems exist within the other marks. Disconnecting the battery was nothing but a REBOOT of the on board computer and they suggested a trip to the dealer for a diagnostic hookup and possibly caused by a faulty sensor or similar... I have no problem with visiting the dealer, but would hate to make that a regular money spinning venture for them at my expense!
  4. Hi again... Just an update, this morning the car would not engage gear due to the on-going fault/flashing snowflake issue... occasionally it will engage forward gears but not reverse with the continuous error beeps and the audible gear selection mechanism constantly trying to do something... As a last resort, disconnected the battery and went in for a cuppa... reconnected and initialised the gearbox as per the handbook and now all is well :D with only ONE problem... when is it going to happen again ? is it with kids in the car at some conjested traffic lights ? or ever again ? Am I to understand that this is all too common and that all the affected sensodrive owners just accept the fact ???? :) surely not... someone please shed some light on the subject Have any owners had this problem and got it FIXED ? Thank you all for your anticipated input...
  5. Same here... 2005 model with 5000 - yes 5000 - miles on the clock, drops into 2nd gear and will not shift down, does neither respond to auto/manual button selection or to throttle then suddenly TAKES OFF like a man posessed to the embarrassment of all :huh: !!!
  6. Care to tell us how ? :(
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