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Everything posted by idlerobbo

  1. I have still not taken this issue to the dealers. However something else may be happening. I wonder if anyone could offer advice if it may be related? My Clutch sometimes is starting to feel crunchy/gritty when i push it down (its the only way I can describe it! hope it makes sense), sometimes it even results in the car feeling jerky. Do you think this could be related to the sensor/cruise fault?
  2. I regularly hand polish my car with carefully purchased products to avoid surface scratches. It seems though that the previous owner must have not done this and when the sun shines directly on the car it looks awful! LOADS or glare and surface scratches. Any ideas what I could do or anything that may help?? DAMN CARWASHES!
  3. cheers guys - at least I can go in armed now *presses the print screen button* haha.
  4. Has anyone used biodiesel fuel in their C4??? If so - what were the results!??
  5. I too have a cruise control fault - its been in a few times and they report "cannot simulate fault"... Basically when im cruising it will intermittantly cut out, but its not like me just turning it off - the car actually jolts as if i press the brakes suddenly for a few milliseconds - kinda makes the noise you would imagine too... It then does not want to turn back on sometimes and i have to press the + or set button repeatedly before it does anything. This can happen again and again some days but then others it doesnt. It might be a coincidence but on a morning (cold) it doesnt do it but then if its been sat in the sun and a hot day it seems to happen more often. The trouble is the garage never test it long enough to identify a fault and I know they are waiting till my warranty runs our in March! Any ideas anyone?
  6. I was quoted about £24 from an autoglass trade stand who was offering free fitting at a local designer outler carpark. I declined at the time as I thought it was expensive... They were Bosch ones too... Hindsight hey... a wonderful thing! One of my blades is split - is it likely to damage my screen with prolonged use?
  7. could you shed some more light (excuse the pun) onto the sidelight change, looks nice!
  8. cool... ill give it a go - whats the link again? Im a paid member - altho never used it to my advantage yet! Last time i was there it was pretty dead. things stepped up a gear?
  9. Hiya, I'm thinking (again) about getting a remap done on my C4 HDi VTS... I remember them saying about significant discounts if a few people were to get together. So thats my question. Anyone near Yorkshire interested in getting theirs remapped? Or even half way somewhere?
  10. what a truly random first post ...
  11. any chance of a shot of the tailpipe and where you got it from/fitting etc..
  12. True, It's just my personal opinion. I think where I live I see far too many blacked out corsas and saxos with a blue neon glow from the inside of the car ... Just screams out chav to me. Just my opinion though. :-)
  13. but after a remap it can be anywhere up to 30+ bhp onto the 138 right? Doesn't put it too much behind I guess.
  14. Sorry if this has been posted before - I seem to remember seeing it (before I had sat nav so didnt look!) but cant find it now. Is there something in the windscreen of Cirtoen cars that prevent a valid signal being recieved? I have a Tom Tom One now and although it works fine it sometimes takes a long time to find a signal and once or twice it has lost the signal (sods law its always in an important part!). If this is the case is there anything I can do to prevent it? Also are there any guides for feeding the charger cable in a discrete way online?
  15. My thoughts exactly, It would mean that the prices really have depreciated too much and the car was cheap enough for chavs to buy and then spend all their wages each month buying modifications from motosave. The alloys on that picture are pretty horrific too, It took me a moment to realise that's not actually your car - you were just showing the bumper (I hope!?). What's the 'thing' on the roof?
  16. Its pretty marginal between the diesel 2.0 and petreol 2.0 isnt it!?
  17. weirdly I noticed mine had lifter slightly the other week. I forgot to mention it when it went into the garage though. They are never able to fix the problems it goes in with though so i doubt they would have been able to fix this back down. May have to take a look myself!
  18. p.s. any chance of pics? whats the tailpipe like, and what extra did you get out of remapping (was it angel tuning?). What difference have the red brakes and filter made?
  19. Yeah I was thinking that too! The insurace company would no doubt hike up the price with all that kit... What's the secret, what's the secret? I have the same car as you. There is a fine line between cool and chav, careful you don't cross it. Just my opinion. Things like reverse camera = cool but neon lights, bodykits = chav. Just my opinion though!!
  20. disgraceful! letting down the coupe owners indeed!! I too am 23 (soon to be 24) and thought most coupe drivers were young too... p.s. I saw a hatch on Emmerdate last night (not that I was watching it!), says it all hehe
  21. eugh! for a moment I thought I might have to see that in the UK... phew!!
  22. yes ive got this problem. it looks like youve left wax on black plastic then tried to rub it off? very annoying when cleaning my alloys!!
  23. ahhh... that makes sense!
  24. thats fantastc news! I am surprised how i use the volume buttons on my steering wheel more than anything, i tried to not use it for a journey and failed miserably... Can you provide specific parts that you bought jeremy?
  25. Go sammy go! and take lots of nice pics for me!
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