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Everything posted by gar200

  1. Well i have now found a new leak on the new pluriel... My spanking new car as replacement for last years has been back twice for ingress through the seals but each time the dealer puts the arches back on it doesn't leak....UNTIL NOW! After rain today (the arches haven't been touched since last at dealership) water has seeped in throught the driver side seal but worse is this....! The other nite after rain I turned a corner and my passenger got soaked when water poured through the 'clip' that locks the arch in place. It had obviously stored in some little hole then when i hit the right angle turning a corner or breaking it poured in...and i mean poured! It was probably a cup of water. Today I didn't even have to start the car....water was dripping freely from the clip after rain leaving a nice damp patch on the passenger seat...when I did move off a mini flood hit the seat... Car is booked in for next Monday 16th...so will see what happens....3rd time lucky with 2nd car? I think not... And to top it all the CD changed has stopped working! I'm going back to Watchdog to see if they can help me get my money back....
  2. I too took delivery of new replacement car back in March this year... If all the old posts were still on here my plight would be there.. All I will say is yes the new seals work....as long as you fit the arches correctly! Mine did leak twice after I had removed the arches but after taking it back to the dealer and them looking at it it doesn't leak...so my only warning is to take your time and ensure you fit the arch correctly. I have been told the best way is to insert the front prong while holding the arch at an angle into the car then swing the back into position, effectivlely pushing the front of the arch into the outside seal to creat good seal. my old car with 5000 miles on the clock and 03 reg went back on sale at the dealership for £9000! but I also negocitated a deal on exchange for £500 worth of accessories....so its worth persisting... Gar :huh:
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