Of the 3 options offered, I would dicsount 1, as the steering lock wasn't on. Also, if 3 were the case then would the switch now work? I suspect not, but I'd be happy to be corrected. This leaves option 2. Which is quite possible. But it's now working fine, and has done twice a day since it was "fixed". Of course, there is another option - that there was something stuck in the lock, which now isn't there. If it happens again, then yes I'll get it looked at, but having spoken to the bod who was going to get my hard earned, and still will, he sin't overly concerned, so nor am I. Sticking my head in the sand? Far from it, but I'm happy it's ok. Should I go running for a diagnostic check every time I get a quirky message on the info display? Cos if not, I'd be sticking my head in the sand wouldn't I?