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  1. does anyone know if theres any problems fitting a rear wheel bearing to a c5 2003 hdi ive never done one before and was wondering if theres any problems along the way so i can be prepared also does the bearing need pressed
  2. hi guys im having to fit a rear wheel bearing to my 2003 citroen c5 hdi does anyone know if there will be problems or wil it be a straight forward fit ive never done one on a c5 before also will i need the bearing pressed
  3. just took the nearside driveshaft off and the bearings 3 of them in a cluster before going into the gearbox are nackered phone the dealers and they done do replacement bearings for the near side so ordered a driveshaft off dingbro and it comes in at £98 plus vat thats with a small discount should get it tommorow so i will have it fitted in the next few days
  4. been told its the bearing in the o/sf drive shaft so im going to put 2 driveshafts on at the weekend see if that makes a difference i will keep you all posted (dont go to the dealers ) citroen want £221 for the o/s and £197 for the n/s plus vat daylight robbery dingbro want £130 per shaft but you get £25 back per shaft when returning the old one
  5. hi guys fitted new bilstien crankshaft pulley and its still the same as soon as i start the cat and drive its ok but after a mile it shudders under load its not like fuel starvation its like a wheel baring loose but ive checked all the bearings and found no play at all anyone got any ideas what to try next ? dont know about the flywheel dont know what kind it is cheers
  6. thanks for the response m8 is the crankshaft pully on the n/s if so it would make sense as the shudder seams to be comming from the near side front also is it an easy fix ? cheers brian
  7. hi guys im having a little problem with my 2003 c5 hdi exclusive manual it seams to be getting worse its shuddering very bad under load its ok when im driving at a normal pace but as soon as i start to accelerate it shudders very bad ive had a look at it with my m8 hes a mechanic and we looked at everything underneath even changed the wheels from back to front got wheels balanced and even got the wheels tracked but its done nothing to stop the shudder it started of a light shudder but now its getting more violent sometimes its not as bad as others sometimes when cornering and accelerating its bad as well can anyone help
  8. thanks for all your help guys i will try a new stalk first and if not the problem i will try the comms
  9. i have followed the prceedure on how to turn them off automatically but they still come on after a short while they do go off again but always keep comming back on
  10. having problem with the head lights they come on all the time even in the daylight i have reset them and even put them on manuel settings and they still come on when ever they want i was wondering if there was a sensor i could unplug to keep them on manuel at all times please help its going to cause an accident people think im flashing them at junctions and they pull out in front of me
  11. thanks for the response ive tryed everything and still no better but what you are saying puts it into prospective its happy in third at 30 but not in 4th and on motorway its a good car just around town its not that good so i think its just down to gearing if i chase it on it does go well enough for a diesel thanks for the response i can chill a bit now knowing its not only my car cheers
  12. thanks m8 ive not had the time to sort the problem this week with work but im off tommorow and im going to try that first before i get my hands dirty thanks again
  13. no signs of oil leak but i will check tommorow all pipes going to turbo and intercooler thanks i let you know how i get on
  14. problems with running of car ..when in fifth gear doing 40mph then going to accelerate the car seem to labour and takes a while to pick up speed also when driving around town the car only realy manages 3rd gear as 4th is too high a gear even at 30mph ive changed the fuel filter and air filter but made no difference at all also run injector cleaner through and that made no difference at all ive got no warnings on dash its a 2003 model 2.0hdi 110bhp ........someone mentione in a post about egr and maf .......if these might be the problem can anyone point me in the right direction of where to find them on engine as haynes dont do a manual for the c5
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