Just fixed the same problem yesterday on mine, although i could 'hear' the lock's solenoid working, which it may not be in your case. Anyway, I took off the door trim, beginning at the bottom after unscrewing and removing the door opener 'cup', grab handle and speaker, and pulling out the electric window switch and disconnecting the wires. I then cut through the grey membrane to give access to the lock and sprayed WD40 into the lock as best I could; waited 10 mins. Then instead of using the door handle to open, I pulled on the connecting rod itself and this actually opened the lock! Prior to opening it I had fiddled around inside the lock (it's a tight squeeze but try) and managed to get movement of some part of it -- child lock perhaps? deadlock? I've no idea -- so that may have helped. But I believe the problem had been both door handles not producing the 100% 'pull' needed to snick the sticking lock, which is why pulling on the rod itself directly worked. HTH and good luck!