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  1. Cheers guys. Thats what I though, just needed reassurance before I got a new one. I'm on my way down to start the car and see if the hoses heat up as the car warms up (I never thought of that).
  2. The heating in my diesel 1.6 C5 has a problem and I thing it might be the thermostat. The car fails to heat up unless I idle for a while but once I put the heating on the hot air turns cold after a while and the temp gauge drops again. I cant remember where the needle should sit on the temp gauge but mine sits about a quarter [or lower] of the way up. The car used to heat up rather quickly. Is the thermostat easy to replace on the C5.
  3. I had a wiring fault with my C5. Cost £120 to fix. Had to replace another bulb just after (or was it before) Christmas.
  4. Going to do a full service and change the front brake discs and pads next week, will check the wiring then. thanks for all your help.
  5. Thanks for the replies. I bought the Haynes manual and checked the fuses, they where all fine (every fuse). The wiring look good (what i could see). A spring fell in the the back accessory socked and melted, thats what stopped it working, but as the wiring and fuse are ok I don't know what to do next. I don't know what made the front cigar lighted stop working.
  6. yes there is. :rolleyes: £15.50 from ebay with free next day delivery. CLICK HERE TO SEE http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/crapday/IMG_0036-1.jpg
  7. Tried different accessories in both the sockets but to no avail. Where is the most likely place for the wires to burn out, if that where the case?
  8. Hi, last years I blow a fuse on the accessory power point at the rear of the centre console. I could not find a blown fuse, so I left it because I could still use the cigar lighter point for my sat nav and ipod. Now that fuse has blown. Does anyone know where the fuse for these are ? I have looked in the fuse box in the glove box and the one in the engine bay with no lick. Could it be something other that a blown fuse ? has anyone else had this problem ? Cheers in advance. Gary
  9. Looking at the owner manual, it doesn't mention what fuse the headlamps use. I bought a new bulb, will fit tomorrow.
  10. the near side dipped beam and side light have stopped working but the off side still works ok, this is only on the front of the 2005 1.6 C5. Could it be a fuse, if so where are the headlight fuses. I dont understand why both the dipped and side light went at the same time. Last year both the headlights went and I needed some electrical work done on the wiring loom. Could this problem have returned??? looks like I'll be returning the car in May to the finance company. Might downgrade to the C4.
  11. Hi sorry I late back with this. I noticed that my pollen filter needs changed, could this cause the service warning light to stay on. cheers
  12. Done that but the light stays on !!!
  13. I have the new shape 05 C5 diesel that I service myself but cant reset the service light. I have tried the holding in of the trip counter reset button for 10 seconds but to no avail. I see the count down but when the ignition gets switched back on, so does the service light. cheers all.
  14. Liz, why don't you phone some local garages near to the person your mum in law bought the car from (or any Citroen dealers/specialists) to see if they have had the car in, if they have and it was a related fault, then the guy cant say that the car was fine or in great condition when you bought it. You might have some legal might if this is the case.
  15. you'll need to have skinny hands to replace the bulb, even with the battery removed.
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