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  1. My old man is having problems with the factory fitted alarm on his 2000 Xantia 1.8i Last week he was driving along and the alarm went off! Another time it was locked and went off for no apparant reason. Then another fine day he had it locked but had left a window open, it would normally have gone off within a few minutes but didn't! Then last night it went off at 4am! Given that it's probably no longer a likely target for car thieves, he just wants to disconnect it. I am told that the alarm sounder is under the wiper motor although it is not visible, but as he has had the windscreen replaced, the black trim and grill above the wiper motor have been sealed to the windscreen so I am unable to get in at it to snip the wires. I have tried resetting the alarm by pressing the alarm button for 30sec with the ignition on and doors closed but this does not seem to have worked as the alarm will not go off at the moment no matter what I do to try and trigger it. (At least the sounder doesn't operate, although the hazards flash as if the alarm was going off!) Does anyone know where the black box for the alarm is? And what colour are the wires I need to snip to disable the sounder? Or any other solutions? He would like to get this sorted before the neighbours resort to a shotgun!!! Any help greatly appreciated...
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