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  1. Well if brakes are feeble, there's nothing I can do, right? I mean, if they are feeble by factory default... As for the airbag, guess that this means it won't open during car accidents? Or it (god forbid) opens without any reason? Hope it's not the latter. However I suppose that a good home-made connector would be the best solution instead of the factory one? Funny if that is the case. Short body and long legs you say? Seems like woman to me :P I won't be driving long distance, just about 20 miles every day. If it is so unpleasant to seat than that's too bad, car really looks ok to me otherwise. Never thought that it would dissapoint on some basic things like driver seat... Guess I'll have to try for myself.
  2. Thanx a lot. Those informations were really helpful. Still I have some more questions now... As for 12-year car body warranty, could you please tell me the URL of the page where you found this info, because I could not find it anywhere? You also said that brakes, airbag wiring and coling system should be checked 'cause they are weak points. Could you please explain all that in little more detail? Thanx again!
  3. I searched all over the Internet and couldn't find a single info about this one. Does Saxo have galvanized car body? I am considering to buy 1.5 diesel version, probably from year 2000 or above, and thus i am intereseted about that particular one. Also, there are several generations of Saxo, so could someone please tell me what were the initial years of release for each generation? When was the most recent generation released? And finally I read a lot about uncomfortable front driver seat. Is it really so bad? Thanx a lot for your help!
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