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  1. thought id bump this up as im having the same problem :(
  2. oh its done 100,000 miles :(
  3. hi how much is my xsara vtr 2.0 worth? im going to be selling it soon and wondered what price i should be looking to get for it i paid 1400 1 year ago all in working order just a VERY slight bump on the boot door
  4. hi i seem to be havving a simalar problem the car will start fine then get to a juction put the clutch down and it will stall (this is very intermittent) then 2 days ago the car started to rev up to 4000 and stick there it has stayed like that now for a few days if its the stepper motor could some one show me a picture of what it looks like to i can take it off and clean it up also the breather pipe was mentioned does some one havea pic of this so i could have a look at that too thanks i really dont know much about cars so the pics will help loads
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