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  1. Springs should never be cut!!! VTSOWNERS car was lowered with proper shorter springs, as was mine, These replace the original springs in your existing shocks (The shocks do not need upgraded unless you are going for a very large drop ie 60mm+ or are looking specific performance enhancement)
  2. Tbh I wouldnt even use solvent cleaner, its under warrenty so its their problem! lol And I definately wouldnt solder it if still in warrenty (just incase!)
  3. just cut the plugs off and solder the wires together, or use an electrical connector block, the plugs are only there incase the seat needs removed. (obviously if the car is still in warrenty land it back!)
  4. the lamp will not need resetting, it will simply turn off again, probably best to disconnect the battery though!! ;)
  5. easy way to check this is to turn on the ignition, and 'wiggle' (technicalo term lol) the wires under the passenger and driver seats, if the light goes off, thats your problem, simplest way to cure it is cut off the connecting ends and solder the wires together! common problem in most cars with pretensioners, my 2 clios and saxo all had this problem.
  6. you have to remove the door trim and the wire is taped to the loom inside the door.
  7. I know they didnt work on mine, but think it costs £5 for the two so not going to break the bank.
  8. could be a faulty sensor.
  9. The neons are not going in below the car they are going into the footwells i believe, aslong as the neon tubes are well hidden all that will be seen is the neon glow when the door is opened.
  10. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! your right old man!
  11. True to your word im here!! lol! Im from the other forum too I have a hdi VTR+ in black
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