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Everything posted by bigdavie

  1. started after i had the misfortune to park my car in the exact place where a runaway trailer would end up 8 hours later !! took out my nsr cluster and destroyed my tailgate anyhoo ive repaired it to the point where it is again road legal ie bent the boot back into shape so the boot locks and all the lights are functioning my problem is 3 days after this happened the near side has a knock knock knock sound on pulling away and stopping wheel seems secure and as i have no access to my garage has anyone had any similar noises from the near side that could point me in the right direction !? cheers folks !
  2. just to let you know thats it all working again !! all info correct and greatly appreciated :ph34r: many thanks once again !
  3. lovely ! cheers mate !
  4. cheers mate i'll give that a whirl in the morning !
  5. in nearly 5 years ive went through two sets of headlight bulbs ! not bad at all in my book !
  6. cheers mate ! actually stumbled across this earlier trying to set my clock and date !! so tick the dash lights off the to do list ! still cant get the auto lights to work ! and now that my dash lights are working the time flashing away at me is doing my head in lol ! btw can you guess i never got a manual for this car ?! to be fair this is the first real trouble with the car in the 4 and a half years !
  7. how do you turn the dash lights up mate ?
  8. right here we go ! after a wee while of not getting used the battery went flat so after much cursing and two hours jump starting it from my audi the car coughs back to life ! yay !! except the auto headlights arent working anymore ? have to do them manually and all the dash lights are extremely dim .. to the point i cant see my speed at night !! not cool ! anyone know how to remedy this ? many thanks
  9. surely i cant be the only one to try this chaps ? anyone ?
  10. hi i have an 04 2.0 hdi vtr bosch injection , trying to fit a tuning box but am having bother gaining access to fit it .. anyone else done this and have any tips please ?
  11. why oh why didnt i check this forum before doing the brakes on my c5 ?! i had the offside piston out in no time flat ! unamused ! but no bother ! saw it was a reverse thread and just assumed the other side would be the same ! uh uh !! anyhoo bled through the o/s no bother then lost the light my question is how much is a new piston because it has been open to the elements for 3 days now as its been far to wild to work on a car ! (west of scotland !) on top of a new piston do i need a new dust seal too ?
  12. i just ran my external aerial up to the parcel shelf less clutter on the dash i find .
  13. bigdavie

    Fuel Filter

    if its anything like my 04 hdi its a piece of piss mate take the engine cover off ()and throw away !) big black cylinder should now be staring you in the face with a few pipes coming out the top ! undo the lock ring (gnurled bit ) remove old filter replace with new remembering to renew the o rings . bish bash bosh jobs a good un !
  14. so am i right in saying that the hpi engine is a derivative of the trusty hdi engine ?? ie diesel ?
  15. 1 yeah i believe you have what i have a mk1, mk2 afaik are 54 plate onwards ie late 04 early 05 2 no i dont believe you will have a particulate filter 3 no you do not have the diesel additive version 4 in 4 years of ownership i have not had to add any suspension fluid and afaik it's best to leave it alone if its working !! btw i have an 04 plate ie 2004 2.0 hdi vtr 110 bhp hope i have been of some help !
  16. i have had vauxhalls , volkswagen's ,a subaru ,bmw's , ford's, a hyundai a couple of fiat's and currently i have as a 2nd car an audi a6 and the only car that has been more reliable than my c5 is my hyundai ! take from that what you will . i love my big citroen and as part of my job i get to drive an awful lot of cars from the cheap to the obscenely priced and can safely say my citroen may not rank up there with the jaguars of this world but i certainly didnt pay jaguar money for my car ! my c5 is now 4 years old and the only fault has been a reverse switch fixed under warranty , a poor design of locking wheel nut and a slow retracting drivers seat belt ! as for my 30k audi ! oh dont get me started ! squeaky this malfunctioning that ! wow ! nice car to drive dont get me wrong but definetly not superior in reliabilty to my trusty citroen !
  17. if its the same as my 2.0 its a doddle mate. single cam just mark it up then change the belt
  18. how do i stop the auto windows when it rains ? i had a little tag when i got the car and i'm sure it told me how to stop it but have since lost said tag ! anyone here know ? cheers davie
  19. traffic master unit is located behind the glove box ! many small torx screws to pull it out ! good luck
  20. thanks very much for the reply !
  21. fuse box is situated ? i need to get my mates taxi radio workin again ! its currently running off the aux 12v socket wiring ! anyone know where the 20 amp fuse is ?? cheers folks !
  22. cheers for the reply ! glad i dont have the particulate filter tbh !! sounds likew a right pain ! also thanks for the brake info . i know the kind of tool you mean i should be able to cobble something together regards davie
  23. this happened to my car too but i was lucky i had a spare key in the car ! took it back to citroen and kicked up hell eventually the service manager came out and apologised to me and admitted these are a very poor design but unfortunately they werent covered under warranty ! citroen wanted 43 quid for a new set so i went to halfords and got a mcgard set for £45 !! much happier with my new set
  24. well if its any help fella if you take the glove box out the taffic master unit is there all ready to be unplugged and ebay-ed ! hth
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