Had the same sort of probs with mine. Before taking it to the garage try resetting your body control unit. Make sure you follow the instructions TO THE LETTER! Fixed mine 1st time. YAY. Before sending the unit try the BSI Reset procedure as this may cure your faults: Put the driver's window down, lift the bonnet and ensure all equipment is switched off. Ensure all doors are closed and remove key from the ignition. Wait for 3 minutes, disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 15 seconds. Reconnect the vehicle battery, wait a further 10 seconds (do not open doors.). Switch on the side lights through the driver's window. Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality. Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds. Remove key open & close door test central locking system. Start the engine and complete the system's check. Failure to follow this procedure could result in incorrect operation of many BSI related items. Good luck. Sara