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About PaulCartwright

  • Birthday 01/26/1983

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  1. email us mate and i will send you a pic Paul PaulCartwright_T4ULS@hotmail.com
  2. this is a really common problem its one of 2 things either a leak in your suspension pipe (if you see oil on the floor - you have a leak) OR more likley you need a new height sensor they cost £25.34 ISH inc vat and if your a competant DIY=er you can fit it yourself or get citroen to do it for you if its a 2006 it is still under Citroen's 3 year warrenty mate just book it in and let them sort it out - providing your car hasnt done more than 60k miles
  3. it could be the BSI turing the power off to the radio after a certain time does it turn off when your driving along if it does then i would say its a problem with the radio itself my c3, c5('s) all turn the radio off after so long to save the cars battery but it doesnt do it when the car is running that probably doesnt help
  4. it sounds like an ecu problem to me
  5. what did they have to do? is it just a case of fitting a aditional stalk on the steering control?
  6. i took the car into citroen monday and it is going back in tomorrow for a new stering ecu and a new steering rack under w'ty its done 25k miles and its had to have 4 new injecters, new washers, new front wheel bearing('s) new steering rack, new steering ecu. is anyone else having this many problems with a 24k mile 05 plate c3?
  7. I have got a 2005 C3 SX 1.4 loverly mota but my steering is a pain in the arse i have put the diagnostic computer on it and ther are no fault codes did the software update work? if so i will have a bash at it or would it be simpler to let W.R. Davies's do it?
  8. the exact same thing happned on my 2.0 petrol C5 i did the same thing you guys did thermostat and did the same what it is you wont believe but it DOES work go to citroen and get a new expansion tank cap (the part you take off to put the coolant in) costs about £3 soled the problem instatly theory is water wont boil in a vachume but if the seal on the cap has gone then there is no seal and it allows the water to boil and when you rev the engine the water pump works harder and pumps more water round the engine and it throws it out the top of the expension tank it does work as i had the same problem on my citroen and it was solved instantly Paul
  9. from experiance with a 98 xsara - same beast - its either the stepper motor OR more likeley the oxygen sensor on the inlet manifold and with i plugged the lexia into the car it told me to replace the o2 sensor with part number XXXXXX (i cannot remember as it was my uncles xsara) he went to citroen gave them the part number and it worked like a dream! cost about £30 ish check the breather pipes and air inlet Paul
  10. Hi John it sounds to me like its your switching block behind your stering wheel if it was just your wiper i would say its your connecting plug which connects the cars boot to the main loom its just under the head liner but if your airbag light comes on its the control pannel citroen have superseeded the part as its a known fault its going to cost £166 - ish and you can fit it yourself as long as your carefull take the battery off leave the car for 30/45 mins the longer the better centre the steering wheel and you will find 2 clips that hold the airbag on un-clip them - CAREFULLY - and remove the airbag undo the main steering wheel nut and there is a clamp at the rear of the unit undo this and unplug all the relevent wires replace the unit carefully and when your done re connect the battery and see if you have sorted your problem Paul i have got a pic if you want it drop me an email PaulCartwright_t4uls@hotmail.com i had the same problem with mine but it was the horn that broke
  11. the height sensors are ok i have got the same diagnostic tool as citroen use (lexia) and its reading the correct heights as i have jacked it up and the figure changes my next door neighbour goes to carters cars with her Escort i will give them a ring tomorrow and see what they say thanks guys all help greatfully apreceated
  12. Hi is it the rear door? there is a common problem with the rear doors take the inner door pannel off and remove the links from the handels etc and remove the 2 t45 bolts from the outside by the catch and it will come off hope thats helped if you want a pic PM us and i will email you Paul
  13. just been looking on citroens web site there is a usb connector for the ipod it utilises the cd changer socket and displays the track info on the screen and lets you change track via the standard controls on the cd player it also charges your ipod part num 9702EZ the bad news its £148 inc vat and you need the lexia to enable the aux port on the player
  14. has your picasso got launch control citroen went through a phase of fitting launch control my c3 and c5 have it and its bloody anoying!!
  15. UPS should read "you should NOT have bubbles in the suspension fluid" sorry im still intoxicated with the christmas spirit Paul
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