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  1. Think the Lambda sensors are on petrol engines (???) only. Just heard back from citroen again (2nd time) and guess what they say....... take it to a dealer and they will sort it (LOL) tried again to say that this inherrent fault on the majority of c5's is a citroen problem and they should sort it. If you own a Sony CTV and it has the same fault as only a few others, ie its not a one off, sony will eventually work a fix for it and publish it to all dealers. Shame citroen dont do this. Next stop watchdog. PS if every one keeps adding to this i'm sure watchdog will be interested. PPS forgot this but citroen have a PREMIUM RATE (£1.50per min) tech help line so they have told me in the last email. if any one wants to waste a few hundred quid let me know and i'll list the number !!! Mike
  2. Hi there, thanks for the info re ebay, i'll have alook into that. I did find some info (think the link came from one of the forums) on http://www.citroendata.co.uk/. There seems to be a lot of people with these faults and i cant believe citroen havnt tried to fathom it. If you try and contact Citroen direct they just refer you to there network of dealers. You cant help but feel a little sorry for the dealer service depts as they seem to be in the dark as much as the customers. I am looking into the legalities with regard to citroen not wanting to help with technical assistance, after all they are the only people with the info that could diagnose these faults. I work with electronics engineers who service Panasonic and Sony product and if we get this sort of problem ie more than 2 or 3 of the same reported faults the MANUFACTURER actually will recall a product (if they cant reproduce themselves) to diagnose the problem. After which we get a bulletin with the cure (usually). If only citroen would try this. I'll post again if i get any further with citroen....... watch this space ....... Mike
  3. Hi there, many thanks for reply to post, The car has done about 75,000 and had the eolys filled up at 70,000 when i bought it. It also had, at the same time filters fitted which i were told were the Particle filter/s and others ?? but dont know which, as the dealer i purchased the car from had this done for me when i purchased last year. I did see the worksheet and it listed about 3 lots of filters (it wasnt a cheap service either!) Ive tried to reproduce the fault at will by labouring the car uphill and accelerating even dropping down a gear and accelerating hard but cant get it to fault. It usually just happens occasionally. The big problem is if i am using the car to tow my caravan at it does this the limp home mode (ie no accelleration) its a bit daunting with the caravan connected trying to pull over safely. Once i switch off and on again it;ll be ok for a while. any other info would be much appreciated and thanks again for your reply. Mike
  4. Hi posting this just to see if any one on here with more knowledge than i can throw any light on the anti pollution fault on the 2.2 hdi (2002) It seems i have the same problem as a number of people ie Accelerating from 50ish either changing down or not, beep and anti polution fault appears along with service light. Eventually goes to limp home mode. Pull in switch off and on again and car runs fine although fault still shows. Eventually after stopping fo a while, fault display clears and the last recorded fault doesnt show on the display when cycled through. Fault might not show for few days but eventually returns. ??? Have had new ECU fitted, ok for 3 months, faulted again. A very good citroen dealer did some diagnostics and found the error read as high turbo presure or turbo pressure fault. Tried modding swirl chamber, no effect, tried new EGR valve, cured for 2 months but then returned. Now thinking ECU poss faulty again. Any ideas anyone.......... seems to me to be a sensor or mechanical fault that is caused when accelerating causing the ECU to think there is a anti pollution fault. ANy one know where to look for vacuum pipes that are to do with turbo etc. ?? If any one does find out what this is caused by can they please ring Citroen UK and tell them, as they havent got a clue !!!! many thanks if any one comes up with anything. Mike
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