Hey everyone, recently registered - done a few posts, but nothing much. Just wondered how many miles people are doing in their C1's? I got mine beginning of June, and already have done just over 10,000 miles (on a similar note, anyone know how much a service should cost?) - even though I'm only 18. I guess it's just because I love driving so much, I go out for random fun drives whenever possible! I saw a Black C1 when I was over in East Sussex which had a rear spoiler, so just had to get me one as I loved the look. Sure enough, it looks pretty neat on my grey one - trouble is, now I want the front spoiler/fog kit - and that's a little more pricey. Never thought I'd be into car modding, but I've found out that replacing the front speakers is fairly easy - only problem being that my existing 4"ers from my last car are too deep for the weenie hole the olds came out of; other forums suggest cutting away bits of dashboard, but I'm kinda disinclined to do that. Anyone got any replacement suggestions? Also, anybody got the rear speaker kit - or tried doing one of their own? I'm thinking about saving up, doing a DIY rear kit (supposedly easy) and adding a mini-sub in the back too. Not sure whether to do that first or the bodywork... Anyway, that's all a bit of a long post :unsure: Wondering if anyone goes to any owners meets, and if there's any in Devon? Arf, I think that's about enough now! :)