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About AX-Sweetie

  • Birthday 10/08/1986

AX-Sweetie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. only thing about buyin a new car or diff one is cash, plus theres too many of every car out there corsas, saxos yeah there cheapish n nippy but u dont find a modified ax out there or not very much, i just want my lil car to be a bit more nippy as shes only a 1L the only other thing i could do is buy a GT but ive heard the head gaskets go so easy!!
  2. so it gonna take alot of messin about by the sounds of it any1 fancy doin it for me lol seen a sthorugh i dont have a clue :blink:
  3. if its easy to fit the 1.6 saxo engines into the ax if not wot needs to be done ?? if any knows! thanks again
  4. lolol pritty good that!
  5. ohhhhh thats nice!!!^^^ thank you very muchy!! :blink:
  6. hello im new was just wounderin if anyone can find me any websites for the ax bodykits will be a really big help, thank you!!
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