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  1. Hi all, this is going to the tip this weekend so last couple of days to grab it.
  2. Lol, a 600 Mile round trip might be a little excessive for a free parcel shelf. I'm afraid because its so bulky its not practical for me to post it. Sorry.
  3. I was originally going to sell this but haven't had much success so I'm now offering a new Citroen C1 rear parcel shelf FOR FREE. The only catch...... you have to collect from Basingstoke in the next week or so. I'm having a clear-out and this is surplus to requirements. Will probably fit 107 or Aygo also. Perhaps you want to experiment with putting speakers in the rear parcel shelf without destroying the original? Perhaps your car never had one in the first place? Maybe you want to use it as an alternative wall decoration.... really I'm not fussed! If no-one claims it, it's going to the tip. FREE to the first person who messages me.
  4. jw191

    Forum Rules

    Hi All, I'm trying to find the forum rules, can anyone point me in the right direction? I have a couple of genuine C1 Accessories for sale and was wondering if I can advertise them here - though I should seek permission first.
  5. Yeah, car was a write off - the body shell folded at its weakest points (hence the roof is skewed), the underlying chassis was squashed sideways at the rear, along with the drive shafts, and re-gassing and setting the airbags costs a fortune. Couldn't salvage much from the computer - Only the RAM and CPU were even possibly salvageable but it wasn't worth it - gave me an excuse to build a new rig anyway.
  6. I think the car stood up well to the impact, however, had I not seen the car at all and hence hit it straight on at 70mph I suspect things would have been much more serious. It was a lucky escape - just makes you think, if you were adjusting the radio, or distracted by a passenger as we all are from time to time, it could have been a different story. The replacement is in much better condition ;) http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/newc1a.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/newc1b.jpg
  7. Hi All, This happened a long time ago (Jan 2007) but I though you might still be interested anyway - Its taken me two years to get round to hosting the pics to share with you. The Story (In Brief): Someone crashed on a dual carriageway late at night, smashed the front of their car against the central barrier and ended pointing in the wrong direction in the fast lane with no lights on, which was great as it was winter and 9pm so it was dark, and the road had no street lighting. Anyway I hit him, then went through a matrix sign, finally coming to rest against the central reservation. I'm sure we weren't popular with motorists that evening as the road was closed for about 90 mins. Thankfully no very serious injuries for anyone involved - a few cuts, bruises and a little whiplash to remind you to be careful!! My computer which was on the rear seat on the other hand, was very badly injured. On reflection I'm pretty lucky it went through the rear window and not my head, which would have been very nasty. I was impressed with how well the C1 stood up to the accident considering it's such a small car. The Wreckage http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/Front1.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/Back1.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/Back2.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/BAck3.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/Inside1.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/inside2.jpg http://pics.jameswilkinson.me.uk/computer1.jpg
  8. Just an update on this (a very late update - sorry!). I stopped using the garage I was using as I lost trust in them - I'm now using an independent Citroen Specialist and they've said they're fine. Now done 37k and I'm expecting this time they may well need changing.
  9. jw191


    10k intervals isn't too bad I think - I was looking at Mitsubishi Evos - some of them need to be serviced every 4.5k - that's 4-5 times a year for my mileage. Anyhow, my Car is now 22 months and 37k. Gonna have to book it in for it's 40k soon - quoted £250 from an independent Citroen Specialist which seems pricy!
  10. I replaced the front tyres as about 14k. Then replaced all four at about 28k. At 28k there was probably a couple of thousand left in the rears but I do over 2k a month and two trips to get tyres fitted just wasn't worth it. I paid about £170 for a full set of Michelin Energy's (same that were supplied with the car) at Costco.
  11. jw191


    It's on the to-do list. Looking at 350z's, just waiting for my employer to agree to give me a car allowance!
  12. jw191


    Lol, I average between 35-40mpg - though I'm sure it's self inflicted.
  13. jw191


    I've done 23k, its 14mths old. Lots of rattles now!
  14. Hi, thanks for your reply. What do you think about the quote Citroen have given me? Is it really 4 hours labour to change the disks and pads? I'm happy that £100 for the components isn't too bad (although after-market parts can be picked up for £60), but I'm struggling to accept the £220 labour.
  15. Hi Guys, just a quick post. Took my car in for the 20k service today (£170 including 15% discount - seemed steep but wanted the dealer stamp). Anyway, they have told me the discs and pads need to be changed on the front. Has anyone else had to change discs/pads? This early? I must admit I took a wheel off and the disk is ridged, so probably does need replacing. Next question, I was quoted £320 for the front discs and pads fitted, which seems astronomical! Has anyone had this done? What did you pay, and where? They said the genuine parts cost just under £100, so thats £220 fitting. Also said non-citroen parts will invalidate warranty. Thanks in advance, JW.
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