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  1. Hi there - My pluriel has gone and I will miss her as I never had a single proble other than washer fuse in 20 months of ownership. I have a tow bar for the Pluriel for sale (It should fit the normal C3 also but please check), and will offer it on here before it goes on EBay. It s£300 plus Vat at the dealers and I am after £75 + P&P. It is the detachable Citroen one. All fixings come with it and fitting instructions. Email me on Andrew(dot)Turner007(at)Btopenworld.com many thanks Andy
  2. Hi there - My pluriel has gone and I will miss her as I never had a single proble other than washer fuse in 20 months of ownership. I have a tow bar for the Pluriel for sale and will offer it on here before it goes on EBay. It s£300 plus Vat at the dealers and I am after £75 + P&P. It is the detachable Citroen one. All fixings come with it and fitting instructions. Email me on Andrew(dot)Turner007(at)Btopenworld.com many thanks
  3. Why do you hate it??? :lol:
  4. I would suggest that there is 100% no way you can cut the roof bars and expect them to fit let alone work - not a chance in my opinion. If you are traveling away from home you just have to accept that you can only have the roof fully back, theres little difference with all the windows down anyway and should it rain its very quick to put it back up. By the way how many mpg are you getting from your diesel. I get around 38-40 from my 1.4 petrol. I wish they would put the new 1.6 diesel engine in with a normal g'box or even the 1.6 petrol with a normal g'box. I still love the Pluriel after a year. Have Fun AndyT
  5. Well I've had the car for more than a week now and it seems water tight which was my main concern. I've had a few instances whereby I couldn't get the doors to lock or the rear screen to open and fold down into the boot floor but I am confident that this is due to the rear window not been 100% shut and hence not making the microswitch. Now I know that quirk it works every time. The most annoying thing is the CD resetting itself each time I switch off. <_< Apart from that I'm as pleased as punch. Its returned 44.5 MPG to its first tank ful and is far more versatile than I thought it was. Role on Summer. AndyT
  6. I'm picking up a Pluriel on Tuesday and was wondering if all these problems still exist or have they been fixxed and ironed out..!! I'm sure I will find a few issues with mine being 2nd hand with only 3000 miles on the clock the previous owner obviously wanted shut of it for some reason!!! Looking forwards to your rplies. AndyT :angry:
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