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  1. butty


    Hi dave If you are a good diy mechanic have a go but buy a manual. You will probably need locking devices to stop the camshaft and crankshaft from moving when you take the old belt off. On balance i would get a garage to do it. At least you will get a guarantee! If you dont get it right it can damage the engine. Prob only cast 100 quid. Not sure but locking device could cost 50 quidish. Butty
  2. Hi mate I would invest in a haynes manual. I managed to borrow one and found it a great help in stripping out the engine and gearbox. Have a look on ebay you may be able to pick up a manual on CD for a couple of quid. Take your time as i seem to remember a few electrical connector thet need disconnecting as well. Get a digital camara and take pics as you strip down. Take it from me it a great help. Butty
  3. Will i have to replace the injection pump from old engine or does the immobiliser detach? butty
  4. Hi all I have a R reg citroen 1.9 zsara turbo diesel. The engine bottom end self distructed. I bought a secondhand engine fron the wreckers and fitted. The engine is a year younger. It refuses to start. It will turn over but will not fire up. There is a flashing light on the dashboard which goes out eventually? Someone told me there is an immobiliser that i need to take off the old engine? Can anyone help? Regards Butty
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