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Everything posted by 227duke

  1. My car is a 2005 facelift 2.0 Hdi Exclusive, 136bhp FAP model, manual 6 speed box. I think. When I came to have the clutch changed, I sourced the exact item from GSF and handed it to my spannerman. He had to go back and get the correct item, which was that corresponding to a 2.2 engine. The same issue arose when the cam belt was changed - the 2.2 item fitted, not the one for a 2.0. Finally, when I needed new front brake pads, the correct items for my car were those for the 2.7, not the 2.0. The car is definitely supposed to be a 2.0, and states so on the V5. Any thoughts on what is going on?
  2. It is the cap itself which, via the magnets fitted to it, trigger the fluid dispenser. My mentioning the filler flap related to a problem with the closing/opening spring device, the removal of which set the wire free which transmits the signal from the magnets.....which eventually resulted in the wire breaking.
  3. The solution.......... It was the fuel cap, of course...... The clever old C5 has (wouldn't you know it) an electronic fuel cap, which sends a message to the main computer every time you replace the cap. This prompts the car to inject some of the Elyos fluid into the mix. So, last August, when hooning along in France I noticed that my fliller cap flap kept, well, flapping. Turns out it was the little spring gadget which opens the flap when you press it, then locks it shut when you push the flap shut. It only wanted to be open. This device was very easy to pull out of it's hole in the metalwork, which meant that my filler flap has stayed shut, even though it's slightly tricky to open (a credit card works just fine). What I didn't know was that there was a wire associated with the item I removed, which wasn't actually attached but was "located next to it". When I pulled the open/close device out, I set this wire free. This morning, the inevitable happened and the wire broke. This told the computer that there was a problem dispensing the Elyos fluid, which consequently caused the anti pollution system, speed control system and anti lock/skid systems to shut down just for safety's sake, and kicked in the 'limp home' just for good measure. Thank heaven for main dealers (well sometimes, anyway). Tomsons of Tamworth fitted me in this afternoon, stuck the beast on their computer device, identified the problem and Sean their chief techie cum sales manager etc set to and found the offending wire. Having re-joined it and re-set the ECU to where it was, I was on my way within the hour. Brilliant. Happy bunny now.....
  4. Thanks, I'll go down that route.... can't see any relevant posts on condition or connections of battery though....any pointers?
  5. Any ideas on this conundrum would be appreciated. My 2005 C5 2.0 Hdi has just informed me that there are faults on my anti-pollution system, ESP/ASR system and speed control system. All at preciseley the same moment. The engine management light is now illuminated and I get the warnings repeatedley flashing up on the screen. I really can't imagine that my luck is so bad that all three of these systems would simultaneously have crashed, but the car wants to tell me otherwise. Any thoughts?
  6. That's interesting, because I spent ages trying to fond a kit for this model - plenty out there for earlier models, but not for mine. At least at the places I tried. For future reference (as I've now got to keep the car for couple of years!) where would you source a kit with solid flywheel?
  7. Not so much a help request, or indeed a clever fix for problems.....just an update about what happens when you've had a car for 18 months and think quietly to yourself, "This car runs really well...." Three weeks ago, after one such rash private thought, my clutch began to slip. Nothing major, but under brisk acceleration, it was there. At 92k miles probably fair enough, and I have dragged a caravan around a few times. Being nearly four years old and out of warranty, I naturally avoided main dealers and had my local spannerman do the job. First problem was sourcing a replacement - almost complete unobtainium. After much net searching with no luck, I eventually manage to find one from Euro Car Parts, but the dual mass flywheel, which also turned out to be shot, had to come from Citroen. Total for job was £625, of which £230 was labour. Obviously it would have been more still had I bought the clutch kit from Citroen. Note to others - use ECP, they're very useful. And DO consider changing the dual mass flywheel when you have the clutch done. They are nowhere near as robust as the old solid flywheels, and if they subsequently go you are into paying again for the labour. It's not just Citroen's; most modern diesels are now being fitted with them, although I hear that there is an aftermarket solid flywheel replacement available for Passats (although not for C5s yet). The day after handing over my £625, I decided last Sunday morning, as it was a lovely day, to give the C5 a wash. Not being the tallest of chaps, I did my usual trick of lowering the suspension to allow me to easily reach the roof with the sponge. Having done this, I started the engine to put the car into 'high' to allow access to the wheel arches. Nothing. And so it remained, after much head scratching. Not much you can check - fluid, fuses, that's about it. Leave for a while, try again. Nothing. The display told me "Up In Progress", but it decidedly was not. Car moved off my drive onto the road in preparation for the recovery truck - the noise of the belly scraping as it moved off the drive made your toes curl......no choice though, other than to take it GENTLY............... After being low-loadered to the local main dealer (local independent does not have the software to diagnose suspension for this model) I get the news that it is the main hydraulic pump for the suspension which has gone. "We've never replaced one of these, they really don't often go". That makes me feel better. "£1100 fitted". Ouch. Rock and a hard place is the term which comes to mind. I mentioned something about the repair being about a fifth of the value of the car - "more like three quarters of the value", says my friendly main dealer chap. (A four year old C5 Hdi 138 Exclusive with leather, satnav and other goodies at 92k miles for £1500? I think I've been looking for my cars in the wrong places....) But it's all academic - what's it worth in the current state? Exactly. Bullet duly bitten. No good sourcing second hand (which of course with a BX or Xantia , or possibly even with a 2001-2004 C5, I could have) as any pump has to be software-matched and integrated into the all-seeing computer system (not just for the model, but the EXACT car). So you could fit a brand new pump, and it wouldn't work, until you've done the software integration. And guess who are the only ones who can do that? There, I feel so much better now I've shared my tale.
  8. Do you have normal or xenon headlights?
  9. This problem is found even when using cruise - again, only noticeable at town speeds. So the pedal / throttle pos sensor would appear to be guilt free...
  10. Can anyone help with this issue? My Hdi runs well most of the time, except for when the accelerator is just pressed slightly - not quite closed throttle, not fully open - that spot which one uses to maintain a speed, rather than increase speed. The motor will seem to 'surge' on and off, giving a sort of (gentle) kangarooing effect. As soon as I alter the accelerator position, either coming off the gas or gently on the gas, the problem disappears. This is only noticeable around town - I can't really detect it at motorway speeds. Any suggestions appreciated - I have heard that the EGR valve may be suspect - if so, where is this located on later C5 Hdi's (mine is a type 2, 2005 model).
  11. You don't need to remove the battery. It is a slightly scary but actually quite easy job to undo the mountongs for the front bumper. take out the three bolts securing the headlight unit in place and move the whole headlight forward sufficiently to gain access to the bulbs. I did this last week to replace my side light bulbs. The bumper is secured by torx head screws on the underside of the bumper just in front of the front wheel, on the esdge where it meets the wheel arch again just in front of the wheel, and a screw that is in fact one of those 'half turn and it's out' pins which is further up the wheel arch, again in front of the wheel. There are some torx head bolts to remove on the front panel under the bonnet, just about in line with the bonnet catch. A judicious tug on the bumper will pull it forward enough to access the screws to loosen the headlight. Or you can go to your Citroen dealer, who will charge about £60 plus bulbs.
  12. Can anyone assist? The colour display on my 2005 C5 Exclusive appears in "split screen" format - with the audio, satnav, trip, climate or phone display on the right, and ALWAYS with aircon heat settings on the left, except when climate is on the right, in which case the 'analogue' clock is shown on the left. On page 52 of the handbook, the display is shown in a picture with radio on the right and the clock on the left, so I assume that this is a possible display format. I am at a loss, though, to work out how to have the display WITHOUT the heat settings showing on the left. I would like to have the clock showing, as the digital clock is rather badly positioned in the top right hand corner of the screen and is not readily visible from the driver's seat. Any pointers would be gratefully received.
  13. Min is the 138bhp 2.0 Hdi estate, 2005 model. I took it to London from Bham two weeks ago, and it returned 50mpg with 75 mph occasionally 80 odd. A trip to Barmouth in Wales last week on bendy A roads returned 49.6. I would suggest you get your car checked by a specialist (unless of course you drive like a crazy, in which case slow down!)
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