Hi all, I've had a bit of a seach on this but there doesn't seem to be a definative answer on this. Over the last week our C3 has developed an issue with starting from cold. It cranks over for about 30 seconds to a minute before firing. As with other reports, it throws out a load of white smoke. It seems to be running a lot more noisely too, we actually mistook this for being a bad blow from the exhaust at first! There has been no EML shown. It is also giving off a lot of what we think is exhaust fumes from thr front end too (this is why we initialy thought exhaust). We are in the process of giving it a damn good service, it needs one anyway. I have a feeling that this is not going to sort the problem though. What would be suggested as my next port of call. Idealy I don't want to have to go to the stealers.