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Everything posted by Ferks74

  1. I've tried local breakers yards and I've not managed to find one with a 2004 C5 yet, I did find a 2001 C5 but it wasn't the same clip. I had considered fashioning one myself as an option too, maybe it's the best option as I've got a quote from www.partsgateway.co.uk for £26 which to me still seems high for a wire clip. I think I'll have a go at fashioning one from a wire coat hanger or something this weekend, if that doesn't work I'll have to put my hand in my pocket and splash out £26 for a used wire clip! Cheers Ferks
  2. Has anyone had to replace the headlight bulb clip on a 2004 C5. I've noticed that the clip on the near side headlamp bulb is missing, I can't see it in the unit and I'd rather not have to take the bumper off to remove the unit to see if the clip is in there, my local Citroen were not very helpful and only suggested I replace the whole Headlamp unit for £178. Any suggestions as to where I can source a new clip (new or used) would be received gratefully! Cheers Ferks.
  3. Hi, Has anyone downloaded and used any diagnostic software on their Citroen? I've downloaded Scan tool (scantool_net114win.zip) although I've not found the lead I'll need or where in the car I plug the lead in so I've not used it yet! I was enquiring if anyone else has used any diagnostic software, and what cable is required, and where is the socket in the car etc... My car is a C5 2.0HDI 110 on 2004 (04). I have been told that the cable I'll need is an industry standard cable, but knowing Citroen (and the French) they'll not conform to this standard! Ferks
  4. I've just bought a 2004 (04) 2.0HDI VTR in Black. Not taken delivery yet as the cheque from the Insurance Co hasn't cleared yet (payment from my written off Picasso 1.6 HDI 110 after another driver used my car as a brake!) , so I can't pay for it until it has cleared. Hopefully I'll collect it on Thursday evening Friday morning. Plus, I'll have to big up Lythgoe Citroen Bolton. I was struggling to find a suitable replacement, and after phoning them, they searched around and found the above car, knocked a shedload off the advertised price, gave me 12months road tax, 12 months warranty and are servicing it before I pick it up. and it's only done 28k
  5. Hi, Here's one to avoid (speaking from my own recent experience). I've very recently been in an accident, the other party's fault, they drove through a marked junction into my Picasso, and I feel I have to voice my opinion. Tesco Insurance have been completely useless! You never get to find out just how bad your insurance company is until you need to claim, but words escape me right now. (Well there's a few I could voice, but this post would banned instantly!) There's been a distinct lack of info flowing in my direction, in the last 2 weeks I've had to phone everyday to ensure things have actually been done/actioned as promised by the numerous call centre people I've spoken to. (There are a couple of exceptions to the majority) I could create a timeline detailing all the delays Tesco created, but I've not got that amount of spare time this year and I feel like I'm ranting now anyway! I'll certainly be changing insurers once I finally get the cheque from Tesco for the wriiten off Picasso.
  6. That's one my bugbears with my citroen. I'd only had the Picasso a week (bought new) and I'd caught the door handle with a key and 5 pence sized spot came away! Citroen were not really interested either, I paid for a replacement insert, but that looked shabby after 12 months. Anyway, on the lookout for a replacement car as the picasso has been written off after a lady driver used my car as a new braking system!
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