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Everything posted by Bobster

  1. Hi, I purchased a Diagbox 6.07 with Lexia and PP2000 last year as it was advertised as working with Windows 7. After struggling with it, I contacted the seller who advised I needed a 32 bit version of Windows 7 and not the 64 bit. So I loaded up a 32 bit version (losing Office 2010 in the process). It now seemed to want to work but after a series of issues and contacting the vendor more times, I now have a system which will link to the car if I disconnect and then reconnect the usb lead but it will not read any data from the car. I have looked at all sorts of sites and get the impression that it will only run properly on Windows XP, so I have been thinking of buying an older, refurbed laptop with XP (around £60 -£70), however, I would appreciate any advice, especially as XP will no longer be supported by Microsoft after April next year. I know many of you have working Lexias, does anyone run a Diagbox 6.07 and if so what do you run it on and do I need to know anything else? Any help most appreciated. PS my car is a Mark 1 C5, my wife's a C3 of similar vintage. Kind regards, Bob.
  2. Hi, I have often thought that as the suspension pump is electrical (as opposed to mechanical found on earlier Citroens), it would be so useful to be able to adjust the suspension without the engine running, especially when working on the engine. There must be a way as if you fill the boot with the engine off, the rear drops but as soon as you close it, the pump starts and up she rises! Of course she does this when you plip the doorlocks after an overnight rest. Strange! Happy C5ing, Bob.
  3. Hi, I have a 2003 2.2 HDi. At about 55K miles I topped up Eolys tank; Citroen dealer said it would not need the ecu resetting. However, about 4K miles later, I got the Diesel Additive Minimum warning. My dealer tried on 2 occasions to reset the ecu but whenever they tried to save the setting the ecu went back to nearly empty. They checked with Citroen and told me that my car would need a new ecu and likely it would then call for the DPF to be replaced also; the total cost could be over £1300. However, I found on other sites that others had had this and not bothered to change the ecu, just live with the occasional warning message. So that's what I have done and some 25K miles later it is still running the same. Love the car to bits and hope to keep it much longer, but will have the DPF removed and the ecu adjusted when the DPF comes up for replacement. This will dispense with the DPF and all the additive fuss. Have checked with MOT station and this will not affect the MOT; have also checked with my insurance and they confirm that this "mod" will not affect the premium. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do. Best wishes, Bob.
  4. Hi, Regarding diesel, I used to use Tesco's but then tried the BP Ultimate diesel, within a couple of miles the car was quieter and as I drove on, power came more smoothly and I got about an extra 3 mpg but it cost quite a bit more. I read elsewhere that some folk fill up with every 4th tank but then someone recommended Asda diesel. I tried it and the car runs quieter than with Tesco's fuel and seems to give a little more power and mpg, so I am now running on Asda solely with Millers added. Just got 51.4 mpg from my last tank (did 505 miles & the calculated consumption was the same as the display, so I am well pleased). Happy C5ing, Bob.
  5. Presumably this needs to be done fairly soon after switching off the engine, otherwise it might not work. -- Yes?? Hi John, Actually no. The car had not been used since yesterday. It was not clear to me whether I needed full ignition or just accessories, so I tried just accessories first and was flabberghasted when it worked! If it had not worked, I would have then tried it with full ignition on. Best wishes, Bob.
  6. Window fault is cured! I had looked at Citroen sites and then did a general search on the internet and found that Vauxhall and Saab owners had had exactly the same fault. The cure in both cases was to put the key in the ignition, remove the fuse to the passenger door then the fuse to the driver's door console, then replace both fuses and they said the problem was cured. So, I put the ignition key in and turned it to accessories, then I removed fuse 4 from the passenger glove compartment and checked the passenger window switch which was dead, removed fuse 9 and checked the driver's door switches which were also dead. I then replaced both fuses, pressed the passenger window button to 'raise' and the window moved to the top and stayed there! I tried lowering and raising the passenger window using both passenger and door switches and all worked perfectly, job done! Thanks for your help with this too. Best wishes, Bob.
  7. Thanks for the link - will download at the weekend for future use. Best wishes.
  8. Hi Coastline, Thanks for the suggestion. Is this a rubber that is attached to the glass or to the door trim? Have found elsewhere that Vauxhall & Saab owners have cured this by taking out and replacing both fuses, the passenger window fuse and the driver window control fuse, so I have a couple of things to think about. On a different matter, I Googled Ecusafe to see about downloading the program but was bewildered by the choice and noted someone who chose a 'bad' site and got viruses, so I believe you know where best to get it from so would you mind PMing the site details to me please? I would be most obliged. Thanks in anticipation, Bob
  9. Hi, Have just read this thread. I have a 2003 2.2 HDi and over the last 30,000 miles have averaged 44.8 mpg. However, a year ago I started getting "Diesel Filter Unblock" messages and an Italian tune up was not clearing them for long; also I was struggling to get 42 mpg. I had a forced regeneration a year ago and since then have had more power and mpg has gone up to around 46/47. I recently purchased Miller Oils Diesel additive which cleans injectors and gives more power and mpg. I have added it to the last three fill ups and apart from a further increase in power which is so smooth, I am now getting 50 mpg. I have read on their website that 7% improvement in mpg is usual and I reckon that if I use it every fill up, I will save £50 a year even after deducting the cost of the Millers. Incidentally, I have read about adding 2-stroke oil, but I think that while that may help older diesels, there is a great risk of damaging the cat and the FAP on the more refined HDis. Best wishes, Bob H.
  10. Hi, A couple of weeks ago I went to raise the front passenger window but when it reached the top, it bounced down about 5 inches. I have tried raising it in stages, by one touch, using both door switches and the fob button but the same happens. I have it raise it in small steps until it is about 1 mm short of the top - it does however appear to be fully closed. It appears that the anti-pinch is malfunctioning. I have searched several discussion groups and most people who have had this, fix it with a BSI reset by disconnecting the battery and going through the reboot procedure; I have done this 4 times, even leaving the battery off overnight, but the fault is still there. Others say they cleaned out the window runners and sprayed them with silicone but this has not worked for me either. My car is a Mark 1 C5 2.2 HDi SX hatchback 2003. If anyone has a suggestion, it would be appreciated. Best wishes, Bob H.
  11. Hi, You are right to consider the insurance aspect. Insurers can and do void policies if vehicles are modified without their approval and you usually discover this after you have made a claim. If they void your policy and have to pay out for Third Party damage, they can seek redress from you. I was considering removing the FAP last year and wrote to my insurers to explain the problems the FAP/Eolys system was giving and to say I had asked my MOT station who advised that on my car (C5 2.2 HDi 2003) the removal would not affect the MOT. I also stressed that the ECU would not be remapped and after their underwriters and engineers had considered it, they wrote back to say that there would be no increase in premium if I did this as long as the car remained roadworthy. I am not sure if this would be true of later vehicles though. In my case, I had a forced regeneration done and since then I have had more power and better mpg. Just recently, I tried Miller Oil's diesel additive which cleans the injectors, adds 4 cetane units and provides more power and mpg and I am currently getting 50 mpg (my average mpg over 30,000+ miles is 44.8 but before the forced regen, I was struggling to get 42). The C5 though is a great car, I love mine and really do not know what I shall replace it with. Happy C5ing, Bob H. PS. Moderator edit by removing reply from quote box.
  12. Hi, My wife's C3 had some problems about 18 months ago. Initially a couple of times it would not lock with the remote and we had to do the manual key in the door edge process. I know things such as garage door remotes can block the signals (seen it demonstrated at Thatcham) and apparently it is thought that a short wave radio ham can do the same, However, it then went on to refuse to unlock remotely, so we opened it with the key in the driver's door lock and once inside, the other doors opened anyway; but the car would not then fire up! The solution was to disconnect the battery for 10 seconds, reconnect and it all came back to life. My wife got quite adept at doing it! Not ideal though and when it persisted, I took it to a Citroen dealer who did a diagnostic, connected to the main Citroen computer and downloaded a software update; no fault was found. It was OK for a couple of weeks, then started again, so back to Citroen who checked it again for no charge. Fortunately the car 'played up' and they found that there was an intermitant fault in the comms unit which is set behind the lights stalk. They fitted a new one (£291 all in) and the car has been great for the last year. I have since heard of folk buying a secondhand unit from a breaker & fitting it themselves. Incidentally, since the software update, the beeps when you leave the lights on etc have a slightly different sound. I was a bit worried though about keep disconnecting the battery as it could have upset the BSI. Best wishes, Bob.
  13. Hi Paul, When it was first explained to me, the switching on of the sidelights was to absorb any voltage spikes and thus protect the electronics. I guess that once the BSI is powered and rebooted, it probably does not matter whether they remain on or off; I have though always started the engine with them on. Best wishes, Bob.
  14. Hi Mike, Thanks for the information, I shall at some point remove the DPF & amend the software. Did you buy the galetto cable & software off ebay? Since the forced regeneration, I was (up until the temperature dropped) getting 48 mpg and the car had plenty of power. I guess this will erode away as the FAP starts to clog so then I will remove the FAP. I really love the car, glad you are enjoying yours. Best wishes, Bob H. P.S. to Glen and the site admin, the site looks great; glad to be back in harness.
  15. Thanks Paul, have been told elsewhere that it is most likely a small air leak in the turbo pipe or intercoller which is carrying some oil spray with it. As the turbo is working fine & it does not seem to be affecting performance, I will keep an eye on it for a bit. Best wishes, Bob H.
  16. Hi, I have just changed the oil & filter and while the undertray was off, noticed signs of an oil leak. Oil is present on the bottom of what I think is the intercooler and on the large diameter pipes which I guess carry the air from the turbocharger. I cannot see where it is coming from, indeed I can't see any oil pipes in the vicinity, so would appreciate any suggestions as to where to look as Haynes does not cover the 2.2 engine. Also, can someone tell me how to remove the airfilter box as I might get a better view from above? Thanks in anticipation. Bob H.
  17. Hi Paul, Yes I had thought of a pressure wash but I have got complications with the Eolys additive ecu. The Eolys was topped up before any messages appeared, but the ecu would not recognise it. My Citroen dealer tried for 2 hours to reset it but on saving it went back to showing empty, so they said some of the Mark 1s had this problem and the solution was to replace the ecu, the cost was £300+ plus fitting + VAT; however, they warned that the ecu might demand a new FAP which as an exchange was £660 + fitting + VAT so a possible expense of £1300!. After their attempts the Eolys pump dosed the system everytime I switched off the ignition for about a month and then stopped. It has started doing it again since the forced regen. When I got the latest "Unblock Diesel Filter" I did not really believe it as the car has loads of power and is giving me almost 50 mpg. I thought that it might have emptied the Eolys tank (expensive parrafin at £30 a litre!), so I added a dose of Eolys manually with the last fill up and so far have had no messages. As my local garage says, "what a load of complication to put inside an exhaust pipe" -I can't argue with that! Best wishes, Bob H.
  18. Hi Paul, The message is Unblock Diesel Filter which refers to the FAP, the particle filter in the exhaust. The diesel fuel filter is properly maintained, cleaned and checked for water build up. Regards, Bob H.
  19. Hi Mike, It sounds like you have cracked it! As I may well be doing the same later in the year, I would be most grateful if you could advise where you got the galletto cable and software from and which files need removing. My car is an '03 2.2 HDi; I have had 3 "Unblock Diesel Filter" messages;after the first, I drove down a motorway at 70 in fourth for 10 minutes and this lasted for 8 months; the second time it lasted one month, so I got my local independent garage to put it on his Lexia; he tried a forced regeneration but the Lexia would not oblige, so he hooked it up to another computer, Sun I think, and the regeneration worked; the DPF pressures were 'as new' and the car, which performs well anyway, was even more perky and gave me another 5 mpg.However 2 months on the message has re-appeared, so I think it's time for the FAP to go, it seems harsh on the engine to run it at 4000 rpm for 4 minutes etc to raise the exhaust temp to furnace levels. I hope your C5 continues to delight. Best wishes, Bob H.
  20. Hi Mike, may I ask, have you had your DPF (FAP) removed and all the Eolys DPF files deleted from your ECU? If so how have you got on, where did you get it done and if I can ask -what did it cost? I have a 2.2 HDi, have topped up the Eolys, had a forced regeneration 2 months ago and now have just got another deisel filter blocked message so I am thinking of having mine removed, so your comments will be appreciated. Cheers, Bob H.
  21. Hi, Update - the car had a full diagnostic check at the dealers but no faults were found but they did download a software upgrade foc so we went away with hope. However the fault occurred again so they agreed to check it again foc and discuss it with a factory technician. However, whilst at the dealer, the fault appeared and a check found that the comms unit had shut down (it resides in the steering wheel nacelle and reads the key signal and transponder). A new unit was ordered and fitted £291 inc VAT and so far since then all has been well, so hopefully it has been sorted. Best wishes, Bob H.
  22. Hi, I recently had my 2.2 HDi ('03 plate) MOTed. After it passed I asked the guy about removing the FAP as I am thinking of doing this. He said as the car was pre 2008, it would not be a problem. The CAT of course would remain in place. Regards, Bob H.
  23. Hi, My wife has had a Feb 2003 (52 plate) C3 1.4i for three years. It has been and still is a super car, has covered 77K miles but twice in the last month the following has happened: The car has been used, parked outside the house and locked with the remote. Then about an hour later, she has gone to go out again only to find that the remote will not unlock the car, with neither the main or spare key. After manually unlocking the car, an attempt to start it merely spins the engine over (at a good speed, battery is fairly new) but it will not fire up. The Haynes manual says to check fuses and connections, but no single fuse affects both circuits and the connections all appear sound. I then disconnected the battery for a few seconds and reconected it and everything worked as normal. I am guessing that part of the ecu had shut down and was rebooted by reconnecting the battery but why? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Many thanks, Bob H.
  24. Thanks for the feedback guys. I've always tried to do what servicing I can, but when I bought the C5 three and a half years ago, I was a bit daunted, a very different kettle of fish from my BX! However, it is great to share info especially on the 2.2 HDi which is not covered by Haynes, and with dealers charging £100 an hour labour you can easily save a few bob. Enjoy your C5 experience, Best wishes, Bob.
  25. Hi Gaz, If you lock your car and then inadvertently unlock it, then the car should relock itself after 30 seconds if you have not opened a door. Incidentally, I attended a conference at Thatcham recently and took part in an interesting demonstration. We all unlocked our cars with the remote, then the presenter pressed a button on a transmitter which operates on the same frequency as the key fob and none of us could lock our doors! The transmitter is a legal device which has another application but the police confirm it has been used to steal from cars; it works well against people who just walk away and hold the fob behind them. You really need to see the lights flash and hear the locks click and better still try one of the doors. If the fob does not lock the vehicle, you need to lock the car manually. Best wishes, Bob H
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