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chris farrell

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Everything posted by chris farrell

  1. I have a C3 Pluriel 1.6 (2004) had for 4 years and my temp gauge is and always has been reading similair to yours - so i would say no real problem.
  2. To start with -if you have got your handbook or any other info handy - check what other circuits are on the same fuse and check these are not faulty/are all working- sometimes a fog lamp for example may be on the same circuit and this may have blown. It may be difficult if the fuse is blown but replace it and try these other items and see if it blows (without starting the car or selecting reverse) Not an expert on C2s but have come across similair on other makes. Just a note of caution - some manufacturers dont list every ancillary that may be attributed to a particular fuse!!!!
  3. My C3 pluriel (sensodrive) keeps getting stuck in gear - when you slow the gears do not change down atomatically and then car cuts out!!! wont restart as it is in gear!! arnold clarke cannot resolve issue and car is with them again but they now wany more money!!! Anybody help!!!
  4. My 2004 C3 pluriel sensodrive - stuck in gear again - 3rd time in 6 weeks - when u slow down wont go down gears automatically and then cuts out - wont restart as its stuck in a gear!!! BEEN TO ARNOLD CLARKE 3 TIMES AND THEY CANT FIND PROBLEM!!!!! they keep charging me each time and I keep having to have it recovered!!!! Car now in Edinbugh (whilst arnold clarke argue amongst theselves) and im now in Manchester some £300 out of pocket!!! HELP PLEASE
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