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Everything posted by sifaan

  1. Thanks Paul... the other suppliers also claim to meet the PSA spec (PSA S71 2710) but I don't know if that's a legitimate claim or not :(
  2. Hi When buying LDS, is it recommended to stick to Total? I see there are several other brands offering LDS on ebay - e.g. Mannol, Kerex, Syntex - which are about 20% cheaper than Total. I don't mind to pay extra if the Total LDS is of better quality, but otherwise I don't like to pay extra just for the name. Thanks /Sifaan
  3. Thanks Paul I will try to get a replacement part (from a breaker) as I'm passing thru London later this month (and if I don't use this opportunity, it can be tricky to find someone to bring it to Sri Lanka)
  4. Hi all When I hook up my lexia clone, there are (among others) two faults as follows: In the Combine ECU; "Remote Fault. Permanent Fault. Oil Temperature incorrect value received" In the BSI; "Permanent fault. Oil level sensor" Also, the gauge on the dashboard that shows the oil temperature isn't working. What sensors might be faulty here? #18 might be the oil level sensor where is the oil temperature sensed? Is it #16 - the "oil pressure switch" ? Thanks
  5. Small update on this - it seems it was a problem in the BSI and the electrician was able to open it up and fix it (I think some tracks had been damaged or something like that). Now the washers (both front and back) work as expected
  6. In the early days the washer worked for the back but not the front; so the garage put a splitter on the pipe going to the back to feed the front (so, if I switch on the rear washer I got water from the front and the back, albeit at a reduced pressure). They were not able to get it to work in both directions and replacing the Comms (the horn was malfunctioning) didn't solve it. This wasn't an issue with the pump (pump worked both ways when powered directly) but might have been an issue with the wiring (e.g. if it was Signal 1 + Ground rather than Signal 1 + Signal 2) or with the BSI. More recently (for a few years!) it doesn't work in either direction and the electrician said it's a BSI issue as well :(
  7. Hi I’m doing well although the car is as usual keeping me busy (busted starter motor, blocked radiator, etc) :/ The electrician says he tried a different comms (from a 406 so might not be the exact part) and it seems to be that some signals are not coming from the bsi. Is that possible? I imagine the blades stopping midscreen are more likely a bsi issue than a stalk issue? In case of replacing the bsi, I think either I have to pay a kidney to get a new coded unit or buy a used bsi, ecu and key as a set. In the latter, what features do I need to match (and what can be programmed?)? Eg is it enough that it’s a c5 1st gen? Does it need to be from a petrol car? EW10J4 engine? Automatic? Thanks
  8. Hi all I had a strange problem with the wipers - on manual control, it worked on normal speed but not on high (and when on auto, when it decides to switch to high speed, the wipers just stop) An electrician checked the Comms unit (there's also a problem where there doesn't seem to be a signal going to the washer motor at all but that is at least partly to do with wiring as the comms unit was replaced a while back - before and after the replacement the washer motor only worked on the rear washers) and after that the situation is that it only works on high setting, but at normal speed Also, if I stop the wiper, rather than returning to "home", it just stalls where it's at What should I be looking to replace? (I'm in Sri Lanka but will be passing thru London on transit early next month, which gives me an opportunity to pick up some parts!) BTW The auto setting no longer works - windscreen had to be replaced and ended up with the screen without the boss for the mirror housing that could hold the rain/sun sensors :/ (plus I'd need to buy the sensors and glue them anyway, since the old ones were pried off) Thanks!
  9. Hi Paul What to you use to get access to the part numbers? From my installation I have Diagbox (that's for the diagnostic tool?) Citroen Sedre backup (wiring diagrams) Citroen DocBackup (get an error saying the application is out of date) - is this the one I should use for part numbers? thanks
  10. Hi again Finally got around to checking my old download ("Citroen Service Box (DocBackup + Sedre) (11.2013)") and I think this doesn't have the functionality that was provided by service.citroen.com - is that correct? i.e. the emanualonline offering is something different? Thanks
  11. Just an update - had it taken out and took it to a guy specializing in alternators and he was able to fix it (cost ~30 pounds) - the rotor coil had burned out or something. And then refitted for 8 pounds :) the mechanic (more experience with Pug) said on the 406 etc if they repair the comm type alternator the battery light comes on on the dashboard and that's why they don't go for it. I anyway don't have a battery light on dash, but the battery shop confirmed the alternator is giving a good output @ESL57 - getting stuff from UK to Sri lanka takes time (unless there's someone known traveling who can hand carry it
  12. thanks paul / coastline for the help; will talk to the mechanic and see about a repair option. (and things are generally OK, except the C5 always finds something to keep me occupied - most recent drama was a crack in the windscreen that required me to import a glass from UK. and then it turned out to not have the mount for the rain/light sensors, and had to get down a regular mirror since the electric one couldn't be mounted on it!)
  13. Hi Since service.citroen.com is blocked from Sri Lanka (and at the moment I don't have access to the downloaded version) could someone help me with 1. part number for the alternator for car VF7DCRFNF76343402 2. in case of buying a used alternator, what other C5's (first generator otherwise, or maybe even 406) can I get parts from? my mechanic tells me there are two types of connectors - the socket/plug ("comm" model, that I have), or another type that has a screw/bolt - but are there any other differences I need to watch out for? Thanks! /Sifaan
  14. Thanks, I'm downloading it off a torrent - it's less convenient than the online service (especially with the XP VM hassle) but that looks like the only option for me :( (and I'm guessing it's too much trouble for Citroen to shut these down)
  15. I wouldn't mind creating a new account, but there isn't an option to create a new account when I access from here (haven't seen one for quite a while) - maybe the "crackdown" started much earlier...
  16. Hi I tried logging in to service.citroen.com today (via Safari and firefox) and get the error message: "Votre pays de connexion n'est pas celui configuré, veuillez contacter votre administrateur ( public.service@citroen.com )" (google translation - Your login country is not the one configured , please contact your administrator ( public.service@citroen.com ) I think I have registered as UK although I am in Sri Lanka, and am not sure if they have recently started some IP based checking (I found this error message also in a croatian forum and also a czech Peugeot forum, although those countries do have localisation on the site) Is it working normally for you? If so, it's probably some kind of IP check and I need to try a better proxy than what I did already (to no avail) Thanks!
  17. The Lds was bought off eBay, so presumably Royal Mail or similar service delivered it. Lds in Sri lanka costs about 15 gbp/l and is hand carried from Singapore by people who do such shopping trips. Anyway, security out of Heathrow might be more strict, so I'll get it sent by sea (wife is on a visit there; would anyway need to send some other stuff by sea freight) On the airbag, didn't get it fixed. For now have disabled it via diagbox to keep the error out of the way :S
  18. Hi I'm trying to get down some Lds from UK and just wanted to check if it's legal and safe to put it in checked luggage? I don't think it will explode/leak in the hold because it's not pressurised. And since it's not corrosive I think it should be legal as well Thanks
  19. It is the hose; it had been leaking sometime back and the hose clamps had been redone locally (but not really designed for pressures of the suspension system) and it had broken off at the clamp. Hoping they can put another clamp on as a temporary measure until I can get a replacement sourced
  20. Ok, so seems I have bigger problems than a moody AC unit As I was driving home tonight the car started bumping up and down pretty badly (and then I realised I had driven over a pothole rather fast just moments ago). When I stopped and got out, realised there was a big LDS leak at the front driver side wheel. I opened up the bonnet to see if the leak was from the tank or pump but everything seemed OK. Later (as I was driving home a few km with the car resting on bump stops) I realised it must be the strut at the wheel. Won't have time to get it jacked up for inspection until saturday, but any ideas what might have gone wrong so catastrophically? Could a hose (must be high pressure if it is) have got knocked loose? Could the strut itself have given up the ghost - e.g. cracked? Thanks in advance
  21. (I'm back after a long silence!) The car (2001, 2.0i) has been having trouble with it's AC on and off. Most recently it was that the heater blower resistor kept blowing and was advised to change the blower motor (if the contacts wear down, it could be pulling more current and causing the resistor to overheat) so I did that and that seems to have solved that part of the problem When the outside is cold (by SriLankan standards; 24-26 C) the AC works fine even for driving more than 1 hour. It is only rarely that it doesn't work When it is hot outside, the A/C works for a while, then stops working (blower is active, but not cooling) then starts again, stops again, etc. sometimes it even blows hot air The car has some wiring issues (harness was damaged by fire and has been patched up) and this can sometimes give spurious error messages - but if this were the cause of the AC problem I'd expect that it should be the same regardless of the outside temperature. (unless the wires themselves heating up is causing a contact issue) Could it be that the cabin temperature sensor is malfunctioning? I can't find such a thing in the parts diagram but climate control can't work without at least 1 cabin temperature sensor, right? Or could it be that there's not enough gas, hence the compressor cuts out when it gets overworked? in sri lanka they don't top up gas by weight (625g i think is the recommended amount) but rather keep putting gas until the temperature at the vent reaches a particular value (I think 4 C). Or could it even be that there's too much gas? Thanks /Sifaan
  22. It seems it's an issue accessing from Sri Lanka - because the site loads when I access it via a proxy
  23. That took me to a login screen, but when I entered username password I got the same technical error page :( Trying the URL subsequently just results in the same error page straight away
  24. Hi I have a permanent fault on the MAP sensor (full details below) - even if I clear it with Diagbox the fault reappears. Do I need a new map sensor? according to service.citroen.com (checked a while back) the part number is 4574.03, however there is a similar part 1920 AK - which if I recall correctly is the sensor for the manual throttle body (mine is motorized throttle body) However, when looking for parts on ebay, the sellers seem to consider both of the part numbers as identical. Are they? btw the number on the existing sensor is 96 394 188 80 although I don't know if that is the original sensor or if it was replaced (correctly or incorrectly) before I bought the car One reason I hadn't changed the sensor was that some years ago the agent here said they tried it with a sensor off another C5 and still the fault didn't clear and so I thought perhaps the fault was with the harness (but the engine harness was changed a while back to no avail). I doubt if the mechanic who did the testing would mix up the 2 versions (if they are different) because he was the one who first told me of the motorized throttle body and its differences. Thanks /Sifaan Fault display: Permanent fault, inlet manifold pressure sensor signal SC+, OC ECU Fault Code P0108 Engine speed 0 rpm Coolant Temp 29 C Vehicle speed 0 kph Manifold pressure 0 millibars Mixture adjustment state Open loop (conditions for switching to close loop not yet satisfied)
  25. Hi For several weeks, trying to access service.citroen.com (goes to service.citroen.com/pages/index.jsp) says "A technical problem occurred. Please retry to connect later." Should I be looking at a new URL or has the site really been down all this time? /Sifaan
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